Paul Lahote

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By : wolfpackimagines14 | Tumblr

Request: Hey so I wanted to ask if it's okay if I request a Paul x reader imagine, in one that the reader is like a relative with Emmett ( she is still human) and when they came to forest for the battle training ( in eclipse) he found out she is his imprint and he is so confused and angry because he thinks the reader is another vampire and something like that... and at the end Emmett bing like all over protective brother that it's half okay with the situation.....


Tragic was probably the best way to describe my life so far. Six years ago, my parents and grandparents had died in a car accident, sending me into foster care. Getting bounced around from home to home was really tough to deal with at just 10 years old.

After two years or so constantly moving around, I was approaching my thirteenth birthday. The chances of being officially adopted by a family dramatically decreases as you get older and becoming a teenager is just the beginning of that. Two years of being rejected was tough, which is why it came as a surprise to me that a family had personally requested to meet with me.

Apparently one of their sons, Emmett, was a long lost relative of mine. That was three years ago; I now know that he is technically my great-great uncle and is a vampire who lives with his vampire family. And now I live with them too.

And I had no desire to become a vampire, unlike Edward's new girlfriend, Bella. But this was the closest thing that I had ever had to a family since my parents had died six years ago. Emmett was a great big brother and after living with the Cullens for three years, I had begun to see Carlisle and Esme as parental figures.

And now my new family was having to risk their lives as a newborn vampire army was heading to Forks. I had fears that this was somehow related to Victoria, who had a vendetta against our family, especially myself and Bella as we were the two humans her mate, James, had been tracking before he had been killed. This vampire army heading our way couldn't just be a coincidence.

Everyone was heading out late tonight to help train the Quileute werewolves as they had agreed to help defend Forks against the newborn army. And I was very grateful that they had agreed to help. Despite my family's wishes, I had insisted on coming with them to the training session. Even as a weak little human I had the Cullen's wrapped around my finger.

I hid my face in the back of Emmett's neck as he carried me while he was running at vampire speed to the clearing they were going to train at. Running like this always made me motion sick and today was no different.

"(Y/N), you can let go now," Emmett chuckled after we had stopped moving for a few seconds, but I hadn't made any moves to get off of him.

"I'm trying not to throw up," I mumbled. "Give me a second."

When I finally glanced up from Emmett's shoulder I saw Edward pull up in Emmett's jeep with Bella in the passenger seat.

"Why wasn't I given the option to ride in the car?" I grumpily asked the others.

"You're lucky you're even here," Rosalie told me. "No complaining."

I rolled my eyes at her before jumping a bit as Emmett was suddenly thrown across the clearing by Jasper, but he almost instantly popped up from the ground with a determined look in his eyes.

"Again!" he called out before stalking back towards Jasper to continue practice fighting, but all the Cullens stopped and gathered together as they glanced over at a small hill at the edge of the clearing.

I stood next to Rose as the wolves came over the hill and I couldn't help the small hitch in my breath or the way my eyes widened at the sight of them. I had never seen them up close before and they were huge.

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