Alec Volturi | Revealed

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By : twilightt-fantasy | Tumblr

Description: One shot were Bellas younger sister shows up at her wedding with Alec Volturi as her date and reveals they have been dating since New Moon.


You and Alec had been making eye contact all night. It was a miracle that Edward and Bella had invited the Volturi to their wedding, but you weren't complaining. You hadn't seen your boyfriend since the events of the newborn army, and it had been long overdue.

You had met Alec in Italy when you went with Bella to 'save' Edward. Ever since, the two of you had been exchanging letters and emails, keeping your relationship secret from the Cullens.

It was harder to keep it from Edward, but somehow you managed.

You could see Alec making his way toward you from the corner of your eye as Bella and Edward danced. You grew nervous, not looking forward to the reactions of your sister and friends. You knew how they felt about the Volturi.

"You look beautiful." His red eyes travelled down your figure, which was covered by a light purple dress that fell just above your knees. Your cheeks turned red, and you smiled at Alec shyly.

"Thank you." You took a sip of your drink, eyes peeking over the top and the two of you stared.

The song that had been playing was now ending, and more couples were making their way out to the floor. Alec look towards them and back at you, tilting his head in the same direction. "Would you like to dance?"

Instantly, you looked around for your sister or any Cullen that may see you. Alec chuckled next to you, nudging your arm. "Don't worry about them. Come on."

"Okay." You nodded, and set your cup down on the nearest table before taking Alec's hand and following him to the dance floor. He placed his hands on your waist, pulling you close to him when you wrapped his arms around his neck.

This was the closest you had been to him, pressed up against each other on the dance floor of Bella's wedding. It was nice to finally be in Alec's arms.

The two of you didn't speak as you swayed together. Your were captivated by him, from the way he spoke to the way he moved. He seemed to think the same, his red eyes locked on your own.

"Y/N?" The silence of your peaceful embrace was broken by your sister, who stood with her husband with a frown pulling at her brows. "What're you doing?"

You looked towards Alec, who had let go of your waist to hold your hand. Alec continued to stare forward, glaring at the two who had interrupted you. "Um, d-dancing."

"With him?" She asked, and you could detect the confusion in her voice.

"Yes." You frowned. "Is that a problem?"

Edward looked between you and his wife. You locked eyes with him, allowing your thoughts to run wild, and you watched the shock register on Edward's face before he grabbed Bella's arm. "She's his mate."

"What?" Bella nearly shouted, drawing attention from guests around you. "When did you find that out?"

"When we went to Italy." You mumbled, glancing at Alec once again.

"And you weren't going to tell us?"

"I was waiting for the right time. I know how you feel about the Volturi."

"You don't know what they're like." Bella argued, before Edward stopped her again.

"Bella this isn't the time." He whispered, grabbing her wrist. "You're drawing attention."

The four of you looked around now, noticing the crowd that had began to stare. Bella huffed, glaring at Alec now. "We'll be talking about this later."

"We won't." You said, firmly. "This isn't up to you. I chose him, too."

Alec squeezed your hand, but didn't say another word. Bella stared at you incredulously, opening her mouth to continue your fight, but Edward began to pull her away. "It was good seeing you two."

You smiled at Edward, but turning back towards Alec. He smiled. "That went well."

You laughed at him, rolling your eyes. "Couldn't have gone better."

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