Marcus Volturi | Reincarnation

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By : twilightt-fantasy | Tumblr

Description: Are requests open? If so can I request an imagine where the reader is Bella's sister and when she goes with bella to save Edward the reader finds out she's the reincarnation of Marcus mate? Or something like that. Love your writing 😃.


You had never hated your sister more than you had in this moment. She just had to drag you to Italy with her to save her over-dramatic boyfriend. You couldn't care less about Edward and she knew this.

In all honesty, you wouldn't have been there at all if Alice hadn't practically begged you to come with them.

So now you were stuck on an elevator full of vampires, dreading your life. It was silent, and extremely awkward. You weren't good in awkward situations.

The girl - Jane - led the way once the seven of you stepped off the moving box. The castle was beautiful, you had to admit. You had always admired ancient architecture.

Jane pushed the large doors open effortlessly. Your eyes immediately strayed to the ceiling, taking in the art and structure of it all. Who knew when you'd be back in Italy anyway?

Bella pulled you to her side, squeezing your hand tightly with her own. Your eyes found the leader of the Volturi, Aro. He began his descent down the stairs, slowly, like a lion stalking its prey.

He stopped once his eyes met with yours. His red eyes grew large and he swallowed harshly, "it can't be."

The blonde - Caius - tilted his head toward the side as he now studied you. His mouth dropped open, "Marcus."

Your eyes connected with the King on the left. He stood slowly, looking at you in what could only be described as awe. He hadn't even realized that he was in front of you until you stepped back.

Your actions didn't hurt him in the slightest. How could this be? You looked just as Didyme had, all those years ago. You were beautiful.

Marcus gently touched your cheek, and you found yourself being drawn to the vampire's touch. You had no idea what was happening, but you found that you didn't care.

You didn't even know the vampire in front of you, but it didn't matter. His smile seemed to melt your heart like you had known him forever.

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