Paul Lahote | Fate Is Weird (II)

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By : ineedmorefanfics2 | Tumblr

Warnings: Swearing, Angst, Blood, Hate

"And that's what imprinting is." Jacob finished, staring at the Y/H/C haired girl.

"I'm guessing Paul isn't fond of vampires." Y/N rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly.

"Most of the pack isn't. Seth loves you all like you're his own family. Kid has a big heart. Sam is just looking out for the pack and Paul is just a... hotheaded dick who takes his frustrations out on the easiest target."

"He doesn't even know me."

"Give him some time. Not everyday you find out your sworn enemy is your soulmate."


"A vampire!?" Embry yelled at Paul. The pack, excluding Jacob, was sat around Emily's kitchen table discussing Paul's newest revelation.

Sam huffed. "Embry shut up. Fate is uncontrollable, it's not his fault."

"Fate is fucking stupid!" Paul growled. "Atleast Jacob has a half human imprint! I get stuck with a full leech!"

"She's actually pretty sweet once you get to know her." Seth mumbled, playing with the belt loop on his shorts.

"Oh shut it leech lover! You haven't even known her for that long! Paul don't listen to him!" Embry quipped.

"She's a cold blooded demon! How do you know she doesn't drink human blood?"

"I wouldn't trust her dude. Bloodsuckers aren't to be messed with."

"She'll probably kill you when she has the chance. I heard leeches don't have feelings."

"Guys give it a rest!" Sam barked.

"Sam she's a leech! L-E-E-C-H! She can't be trusted! She probably ate her family!"

"Glad to know you can spell Embry."

"Shut the fuck up Jared."

"The Cullen's are evil!"

"...can't be trusted!"

"...blood sucking demons!"


Seth growled lowly.

"Seth relax! Nothing to get angry about! We're just warning Paul."

Seth slammed his fist on the table. "Warning him!? You don't even know her! You think she wanted to be a vampire!? She was dying! She watched a rogue vampire tear her family to pieces before going after her. She was lucky that the Cullens found her that day. Not a day goes by that she doesn't hear the screams of her three year old brother as he was murdered in cold blood! Don't judge her if you don't even know her!" Seth got up from the table knocking back the chair and running out of the house.

Leah sighed. "As much as I don't like vamps, I agree. Do you even know her Paul?"


Y/N grabbed a cup of blood she had in the fridge with a sigh.

"Are you drinking blood out of a cup?" Bella asked with a brow raised. "You're not pregnant right?" She joked.

The girl in question laughed. "Definitely not." She sighed. "I don't want to hunt if Paul's around. He's already devestated with a vampire imprint, don't want to make it worse by letting him see me covered in blood."

Bella nodded as she sat at the bar. "You okay?"

"Honestly... no." Y/N huffed. "My mate wants nothing to do with me. On top of that he's a werewolf."

Bella hummed in understanding.

"What if he wants children?" She took another sip of blood.

"You'll have to figure that out as your bond grows." Bella smiled sadly.

"You're right." She hummed. "Well I'm going to go rest up." Y/N smiled back before walking up to her room.

"I thought vampires couldn't sleep." Renesmee mumbled.

"We can't." Alice replied.

Bella sighed and looked at Edward.

"Fate is cruel." He mumbled.


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