Paul Lahote

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By : wolfpackimagines14 | Tumblr

Request: Can i request a jealous Paul x reader (who is his imprint) where like some guy hits on her and she tries to keep it hidden from Paul but when their out together later that day the same guy hits on her again and the reader has to pull him away to stop him from transforming and beating the guy up and has to calm him down


Going to the gym was the bane of my existence. Or I guess attempting to go to the gym was the bane of my existence. I didn't actually go as much as I probably should. My reluctancy to go wasn't because of my laziness (but that may have been part of there reason), but it was due to some of the people that were there.

Specifically one guy that always seemed to lift weights right next to me as I ran on the treadmill. I had tried going different days and at different times, but it never seemed to work. His continued flirting was getting on my nerves.

I had seen him earlier this morning actually and I was over the crude remarks and his lame attempts to help me work out. He obviously wasn't used to getting no for an answer and I wasn't giving him what he wanted.

But he wasn't even on my mind at the moment. I was at the beach with Paul and a few of the pack members. Paul and I had set our stuff a little farther away from the rest of the guys in an attempt to get some alone time. Paul had just ran back to the truck to grab some sunscreen, claiming I needed to reapply but we both knew it was just an excuse for him to help me rub it in on my bare back.

It was then, while I was laying on my towel tanning, that I heard someone calling my name, but it didn't sound like any of the guys that I had come with. I sat up and glanced around and my heart stopped when I saw the guy from the gym jogging over to wear I was laying.

"What's up, sweet cheeks?" he called and I literally cringed at the nickname. He had started calling me that a few weeks ago after he had seen me do squats.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked him defeatedly, standing up so I could back away if I needed to. It seemed he had taken his stalking to a new level.

"Don't sound so excited," he grinned. "I'm just here with a few friends. Such a beautiful day."

"And what a coincidence that I'm here too, right?" I muttered, echoing his words that he said every time we ended up at the gym together, which was a lot.

"Some might say it's fate," he winked and I almost gagged.

"Hey babe," said the calming, familiar voice of my boyfriend as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Hey," I smiled and breathed a sigh of relief as I tucked myself closer to him, turning my body so I was slightly behind him.

"Who's this?" Paul asked, not taking his eyes off the guy in front of us, but tightened his arm around me to acknowledge that he could feel my discomfort.

"Who're you?" the guy huffed right back at Paul.

"Her boyfriend."


"Yes, boyfriend."

"You've had a boyfriend this whole time you've been leading me on?" the guy cried out and my jaw dropped.

"Leading you on!?" I exclaimed. "You mean, letting you harass me and stalk me without calling the cops?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" he asked angrily. "You loved the attention, bitch."

Paul stiffened at that and gently pushed me completely behind him.

"I suggest you get the fuck out of here and leave my girlfriend the hell alone," he growled at the guy.

"Maybe you should watch out for your girlfriend," the guy taunted. "Seems like a slut to me."

Paul started to shake at that point and I glanced around and saw that some of the other pack members had made their way over.

"You probably don't fuck her well enough, that's why she's so desperate," the guy continued.

Before Paul could pounce on the guy, Sam, Jared, and Embry stepped between them and started backing the guy up. I reached over and grabbed Paul's hand and I pulled him so he turned to look at me.

This was probably the most angry I had ever seen him. Usually when he was upset I would just hug him and he would calm down, but I didn't know how well that would work this time.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and got on my tip toes as I pulled him down to my level to kiss him heavily. At first there wasn't any response, but his arms eventually wrapped around my waist and lifted my up slightly so he didn't have to bend over.

We broke away and his breathing was still a bit heavy, but that could be due to the kiss, but his shaking had stopped.

"He was just some guy from the gym," I whispered. "He wouldn't stop harassing me and-"

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked quietly.

"Because I knew you might kill him," I laughed softly.

"Still might..."

"Paul," I reprimanded. "Stop that."

He just huffed in response, burying his face in my neck as he hugged me closer to him.

"Besides," I giggled. "You fuck me just fine, I don't know where he got that from."

He barked out a laugh before grabbing up our stuff in one arm and holding me in the other, his werewolf strength coming in handy, as he walked back up to the car.

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