Quil Ateara | NSFW Alphabet

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By : ineedmorefanfics | Tumblr

⚠️Warnings⚠️: SMUT, NSFW, 🔞+


A= Aftercare (What they're like after sex)

Quil opens his nightstand draw full of snacks and drinks, (which he actually has for smoking nights but he wouldn't tell you that) and tells you to take your pick. He'll probably pig out with you and then put on American Dad or Futurama and laugh too loud for you to sleep, but he means well.

B= Favorite Body Part (Their favorite body part of their's and their partner's)

His loves his hair and the way you pull on it when you ride him has him crumbling into little pieces. His favorite body part of yours is probably your tummy. He likes using it as a pillow as you run your hand through his curls as he drifts off to sleep🥺

C= Cum (Anything to do with cum)

He honestly doesn't have a place he prefers, you both have basically tried everything but if he had to pick, he'd pick your tummy because he's just in love with it. Plus he'll scoop up some of the cum on your stomach and shove it in your mouth, a proud grin overtaking his features.

D= Dirty Secret (A dirty secret of theirs)

One of the things you haven't tried yet is spit play and he really wants you to spit in his mouth but would never say anything in fear of you being grossed out.

E= Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)

He lost his virginity to you so he's not that experienced, but he wants to try everything atleast once. Whether it be bondage or pegging he wants to see if he'll like it.

F= Favorite Position (Might include visual)

He loves the shoulder hold, it allows him to hit the deepest spot inside of you and watch your face as you come undone. It's a win win situation.

G= Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they more humorous, etc.)

He's a huge goofball, always cracking jokes and laughing. He doesn't think sex should be a thing people should stress about, he thinks it should be a stress reliever.

H= Hair (How well groomed are they?)

He's doesn't really care about shaving down there, if you have a preference though, then he'd keep it to your liking.

I= Intimacy (How are they during the moment? Romantic aspect...)

If he initiates intimate, romantic sex then you know something's wrong. He's always goofy, but if he's having a really bad day he gets soft and quiet and would usually let you top him instead.

J= Jerk Off (How often? What are they thinking about?)

If he's jerking off, it's usually in front of you. He doesn't have any reason to jerk off otherwise, since he's basically with you all the time.

K= Kink (One or more of their kinks)

Quil has a mommy kink, and no I do not take criticism. The first time he called you mommy, he got so embarrassed that he ignored you for a week. And when you finally cornered him he was like, "I'm sowwy🥺👉👈" and it was just so cute.

L= Location (Favorite places to do the do)

The shower is his favorite place. He'll put the water on cold to make sure he doesn't overheat and then he fucks you (or you fuck him) to infinity and beyond.

M= Motivation (What turns them on, what gets them going, etc.)

Everything and anything if we're being honest. He's always horny and will dick you down anytime you ask. Honestly just tug on his hair and he'll drop to his knees.

N= NO (Something they wouldn't do, turn offs)

The only thing he'd say no to is a threesome. All of the boys are protective, especially of their imprints so that's why they'd all be against threesomes.

O= Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)

He loves giving head. The way your legs squeeze around his head as he delves in your sopping wet pussy has him pushing his face further into you. He doesn't mind receiving head either, it's just not a priority for him. He's usually fucking you before you get to that point.

P= Pace (Are the fast and rough? Slow and sensual? Etc.)

He's usually fast and rough, opting to fuck the shit out of you until you can't breath.

Q= Quickie (Their opinion on quickies, how often, etc.)

He loves quickies! Your sex life mostly consists of quickies, right before you go to work or right before patrol.

R= Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)

Like aforementioned, he's game for almost everything. He wants to try it all once and then go on from there.

S= Stamina (How long do they last?)

Like his packs members he can last for 3 to 4 rounds. The wolf in him sometimes doesn't know when to quit.

T= Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On partner or themselves?)

Other than the pink strap he bought you to use on him, he doesn't own any toys. If you have any you want to try he's up for it.

U= Unfair (How much of a tease are they?)

It's usually you that's the tease. He doesn't like teasing because he feels bad and would rather just give you what you want, when you want it.

V= Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make?)

He moans LOUD. Like LOUD loud. He also makes high pitched whines when he gets close. He was embarrassed at first but now he's not afraid to scream.

W= Wildcard (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice?)

One time the two of you got high with Paul, Embry and Jacob when they slept over. The three guys slept in your apartment living room while you and Quil slept in your bedroom. You forgot they were there and ended up fucking for three hours straight. Let's just say, they never slept over again.

X= X-Ray (How big are they?)

He's skinny but long, I'd say 9.5 to 10 inches.

Y= Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)

His sex drive is extremely high it's unbelievable. You could be pegging him and then twenty minutes later he's fucking you against the wall.

Z= Zzz (How fast do they fall asleep after?)

He doesn't really fall asleep after sex. He's more of a watch tv while you sleep kinda guy.

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