Embry Call | Good To Be Home

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By : marvelatthetwilight | Tumblr


You had missed your brother immensely in the 5 years since you had been home. You were 7 when your mom left, and your dad moved you both back to La Push hoping that being back at the reservation would help you both, growing up as part of a community. Your dad gradually grew distant, starting to drink more and more. Sometimes he could be gone for days at a time, leaving the two of you to fend for yourselves. You relied on each other for everything. It was a shock when, at 13, your dad decided you should go back to Tacoma and stay with your grandparents, claiming that he couldn't care for two teenagers, and that your brother was "easier" to deal with.

And so, the two of you were separated. Partners in crime, peas in a pod, best friends, ripped apart.

When your grandparents passed away, you finally had the money and the means to move back to La Push, reuniting you and your brother Paul once again.


"Y/N Lahote as I live and breathe!" Jared Cameron came bounding over to your car as you pulled up to the address Paul sent you.

"Paul has NOT stopped talking about you coming home, I don't think I've ever seen him so excited" Jared smiled as he opened up the passenger door and helped you with your bags.

"Jared, you look so grown up! You used to be so weedy! What happened?" You stared incredulously at him, he had grown at least a foot since you last saw him, had filled out and become muscular, nothing like the Jared you were expecting to see.

"Ha! If you think that's something, just wait until you see your brother."

You followed him into the house which you understood to be Emily and Sam's. They had offered to let you stay with them whilst Paul was still finishing his house he was building for himself and Rachel.

As you entered the kitchen you were greeted with a hug from Emily, you recognised her from the photos Paul had sent you over the years. Emily was closely followed by Kim, and then Rachel, who you had spoken to on the phone almost everyday since you had planned to return home.

"Y/N! We are all SO excited to see you! Paul and I have so many plans for us!" Rachel jumped with joy, excited to spend time with her new "sister".

"So where is my brother? I was expecting him outside waiting considering the amount he has been bothering me with questions about my arrival this week" Rachel looks over at Emily before saying; "he's out doing some errands with Embry and Sam, they will be back soon, let's get you settled!"

They gesture for Jared to help with your bags, and he picks them up with ease before leading the way to the guest room.

"This is going to be so hard keeping everything from Y/N if she is staying here, it's going to be right under her nose. The boys aren't subtle at all." Emily whispers to Rachel.

"I know but that's why we are in charge of keeping her busy! At least until Paul's house is ready, then it'll be easier." Rachel replies as she starts walking towards the guest room, not realising that you had hung back to ask Emily a question away from Jared, unintentionally hearing their conversation.


An hour later you are in the kitchen at Emily's dining table, bonding with the girls over your love of cooking, discussing your favourite bands. But you couldn't stop thinking about what you had overheard. What were they keeping from you?

At that moment, Paul appeared at the door, an enormous smile on his face.

"Y/N!!!!!!!" He ran towards you, lifting you from your seat, into a bear hug. Oh how you had missed his hugs. Although you don't remember them being this warm.

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