Jasper Hale | New Girl

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By : twilightt-fantasy | Tumblr


You sighed in annoyance when you saw the note fall out of your locker. It was the same thing everyday - your group of bullies would place a mocking note in your locker for you to start your day with.

The notes weren't even original, and were more annoying than hurtful. Still, it didn't help that you were the only one targeted by the group of girls.

And for what? Just because you were quiet and awkward. Bella freaking Swan was quiet and awkward, but no one picked on her. Perhaps it was because they knew she was associated with the Cullen family, and no one wanted to interact with the Cullen family.

"Y/n!" You rolled your eyes at the high pitched voice that was calling your name.

You closed your locker before spinning on your heel to face the three girls. As you waited for them to speak, you clutched your books closer to your chest.

"Did you like our note?" One of the girl's asked, looking smug that she had successfully planted another one in your locker.

"We think it was one of the best ones." Her friend said, laughing.

You resisted the urge to scoff, but you kept silent. The halls were packed and to most people, you looked like a group of friends talking. There was no need to cause a scene.

"Are you going to say something, or are you going to just stare at us like you're an idiot?"

At this you raised a brow at them, patiently waiting for them to go away. You still kept your mouth shut.

"You can't even stick up for yourself." The girl said again with a mocking giggle. "Maybe if you did, we would leave you alone. You make it too easy."

Just as you opened your mouth to tell them off, another person joined the group. Your eyes widened at the sight of Jasper Hale, who was glaring darkly at the girls.

The girls looked shocked, but quickly regained their composure. "Do you need something?"

"Yeah." His voice was deep, the southern accent that he had sticking out clear as day. "Stop picking on her and go do something better with your time."

You stared at him in shock, wondering why in the hell he was sticking up for you. You had never spoken to the boy a day in your life though, as you thought about it, you remembered times when you would catch him staring at you.

His tone held no room for arguing so the girls shot evil glares at you before they turned away. You let your shoulders sag in relief as Jasper turned to you. "Thanks."

"I was tired of watching them pick on you." He told you, causing you to frown.

"You've been watching me?"

A smirk formed on his full lips and you could feel your cheeks begin to warm. "It's hard to miss you."

Your face was definitely red now and you averted your eyes. You heard him laugh at your expression. "They won't bother you anymore."

"Thank you. Really."

When you looked back at him, he winked at you with a grin. "My pleasure darling."

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