100. Jasper Hale | Enchanted

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By : imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl | Tumblr

Pairing: Jasper Cullen X Reader | Word count: 949

Requested by anon.

Summary: You meet Jasper at a party at the Cullen's house. Inspired by the song Enchanted by Taylor Swift.


You allowed Jane to drag you here. Something about how rare these Cullen parties are. But you're not in the mood. After Daniel cheated on you, you haven't been in the mood for anything. You feel ugly, unlovable. You force laughter when Jane walks by telling a joke and you fake a smile to anyone who waves at you. As your friend dances with her boyfriend, you stand in the corner, you go through Instagram just to keep your mind busy. Thank God this is the last year of high school because you can't take the insincerity any more. It makes you sick, but suddenly, this awful sensation vanishes when you see him. He looks absolutely beautiful, so handsome, standing there, eyes locked on yours. This party doesn't seem that bad anymore.

You want to talk to him, but you have this feeling that, if you weren't enough for Daniel, how would you possibly be enough to him? He seems unreal, like an old, beautiful painting, staring at you. His eyes whisper 'have we met?', but if you've ever seen him, you wouldn't forget. Across the room, his silhouette starts to make it's a way to you. For a moment you expect him to turn some other direction, but no.

"Hi. I noticed you're a bit lonely." His voice is soft and low, and you wonder how you could hear him above the music.

"Yes. My friend is with her boyfriend so..." You gesture at where Jane is, dancing and laughing. The man gives them a quick look before turning his attention back to you.

"I see. I'm Jasper Cullen." He offers you his hand and you shake it.

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)." Avoiding his gaze, you look down. "Amazing party, by the way."

"It doesn't seem like you're having fun, though."

Suddenly, the warmth starts flowing through your body. You don't feel sad like you did seconds ago, you feel comfortable. "I'm not in the mood. That jerk over there cheated on me and I'm still picking up the pieces." You don't know why but you just spill it out. "I'm sorry. Don't let my drama ruin your party, please."

"Don't apologize." Jasper smiles and you swear your heart skips a beat. "Whoever that jerk is, he lost a beautiful, sweet girl." You blush at his compliment, muttering a thank you.

You thought he would leave, but he doesn't. Instead, Jasper makes small questions, about and you answer him, not being able to remove the smile from your lips. He seems intrigued by you, raising an eyebrow at some things you say. You try to read his face many times, but you can't. Jasper Cullen is a mystery.

"How did you-"

"(Y/N)! Come here, come here!" Jane yells at you, interrupting Jasper.

"I'm so sorry, I'll be right back." Apologizing, you run to your friend, who wanted nothing's more than take a few photos with you. When she's finally done, you head back to where you and Jasper were, but he's gone. You search around the party, but he's nowhere to be found.

It's almost midnight when Jane's boyfriend leaves you home. You wave at them, unlocking your front door and kissing your mom's cheek on your way to your bedroom. She's always awake until you get home.

After a warm shower, you change into your sweat pants and long sleeve shirt, laying on your bed to sleep. But the lingering question keeps you up. Checking on your phone you see that's already 2 a.m., but you keep thinking of him. Those golden eyes. "Who do you love?" You whisper in the dead of night, staring at the ceiling. He probably belongs to someone else. You wonder until you're wide awake. After a while, you can't stay still anymore, and you start pacing back and forth in your room, wishing he was at your door. Wishing he could find you. This night was fantastic, flawless, just because you got to talk to him. There's something about Jasper you can't explain. It's not just the looks, but the whole sensation you get when he's near. You'd spend forever wondering if he even knows how you're feeling. After only one meeting, after exchanging just a few words, you know you'll fall for Jasper.

And you're praying that this was the very first page and not where the story ends. You have to see him again, talk to him again. Your thoughts are echoing his name, time and time again like he could hear it and come. It feels like a fairytale and you're the princess. You feel a bit stupid, but you decide to let the feeling stay for a while longer. "Plese don't be in love with someone else." You mutter, opening the window and letting the cold wind invade your room. "Please don't have somebody waiting on you."

You manage to sleep a couple of hours before your alarm wakes you up. You get ready for school. Your mom leaves a few minutes before you. When you're done with breakfast, you take your bag and head outside. But when you open the front door, your heart stops. It's him. Jasper. Waiting for you by the side of his car.

"Hi." It comes out as a question as you walk towards him, remembering the silly things you dreamed about last night.

"I'm sorry for coming here so early and unexpectedly, but I need you to know that I enjoyed our chatting yesterday." His words and his smile. That's how you know the feeling was mutual. Your heart is pounding against your chest when he takes your right hand, placing a soft kiss on it. "And I was enchanted to meet you."

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