Alec Volturi | Hell Hath No Fury (V)

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By : avyannadawn | Tumblr


You remembered the stories your mother used to tell you and your sisters. The stories of how cruel fate can be. She spoke of the three fates, stories of the horrendous lives they bestowed upon people. But she also spoke of the rainbows they gift you after a season of trials and hardship.

As a little girl, you marvelled at the thought of already having a destiny planned out for you. How your life contributed to the continuation of the world. Looking back now, you understood how cruel fate could be. But with every bad hand fate dealt, you always seemed to gain something extraordinary out of it.

If your hometown never whispered of the ability you possessed, your father never would have sold you out. But it was through him selling you out that you found the very people you prayed for. You found your family. You found Alec.

And if you never would have been burned beside them, condemned for the crime of simply existing, you never would have been gifted eternal life. You never would get to spend the rest of your immortal life by the side of your soulmate, the person fate had gifted you despite all the trials that came with being together.

Alec sighed, pressing his cold body against your own, his arms wrapped around your waist as he held your back to his chest. The bubbles surrounded your naked bodies as he leant you back against the edge of the bath. "Do you know what I realised this morning while on guard duty, sweet face?"

You hummed in response, turning your head sideways to see Alec smiling at you. He leant down, pressing his lips to yours in a sweet kiss. He smiled as he rested his forehead against your temple, "It's been a hundred years since that day."

You laughed at the wretched memory. Although you still remember bits and pieces of your human life, the memories of being burned held a permanent place in your mind.

Alec, upon noticing your change in demeanour shook his head, kissing your cheek. "No, no, no. Not that day, amore. I mean the one where your father had gifted you to me not being burned, my sweet."

You snorted a laugh, shifting in his arms slightly to get a better look at his face. "Gifted? Mmm, you and I remember that incident very differently then." Alec shook his head once more, "your father may have discarded you at our doorsteps with a marriage form but to us? You were a gift."

If you were still human, you would've been flustered. You moved sideways so you could lay your head on his chest. Alec's voice came out as a whisper as he spoke, "although I do remember the incident like it was yesterday."

You winced at the thought of it. You knew it wasn't being burned alive that Alec talks about, but rather the events following it. You remember waking with a start from the transformation, your body being cradled in his arms. He never let you go after you had awoken, silently holding you as he sobbed into your shoulder. His fingers tangled into your hair as he embraced you tightly.

You nodded, your face softening at the look of hurt written on his face. "I felt the bond as soon as I woke up, and when you didn't wake either? Not hearing your heartbeat? The mere thought of not having you by my side burnt me more than the fire ever could." He pulled you even closer to him, burying his face in the crook of your neck.

"I know, Aro had a theory as to why I woke up so late the other day." Alec hummed, kissing your neck, beckoning for you to continue. You pulled yourself out of his grasp carefully to turn and face him. "He said that with my ability with fire, the actual fire never burned me, it was my ability. Because I was human at the time and I only ever practised with candles, my gift hadn't grown that much, and so when we were burned, he assumed that my ability absorbed the flames. So through me absorbing it, the gift got overwhelmed and burned me out, and so when I was bitten that gift fought against the venom, prolonging my change."

Alec nodded, his eyes widening as he smirked. "So you're telling me, that you were so powerful that even your gift fought the venom." You grinned, chuckling at his words. "Mmhmm, and how powerful are you again, my love?"

Alec straightened his spine, raising his chin at you with a smirk. "I'm powerful enough to do this." And with that, your entire vision goes black as you feel him strip all your senses. You froze, not sure what he was doing, but as soon as your vision faded back, you found yourself dressed and dried off. You look up to see Alec smiling down at you, "you little-"

Alec leant down, kissing your lips, cutting you off. "Tsk, watch your words, sweet face. Look, the suns rising." You chuckled at his words, shaking your head before noting that he had taken you to your balcony.

You wrapped an arm around his waist, pressing your face into his side as you looked up at the rising sun. The dark hues of the blue sky slowly faded into the deep orange ones, illuminating the sky with wonder. Alec's arm snaked around your shoulders, his fingers playing with your blouse as he held you to him. "Hey."

You looked up at the sound of Alec's voice. Alec smiled warmly as the sun cast a golden glow on his skin, his face shining in the light. He cupped one side of your face with his hand, his thumb rubbing circles on your cheekbone. "Have I ever told you how much I adore you," he whispered gently.

You hummed with a smile as he leant down to kiss you, and right before he could, you pecked his forehead. You quirked an eyebrow as you pulled out of his embrace, "and where do you think you're going?"

You poked your tongue out at him, "I promised Jane I would spend time with her since she's off guard duty right about now." Alec shook his head, mumbling something along the lines of how you love his sister more than him. "Well, I'll see you at 11 then, we have a trial then."

You flashed to him, quickly pulling him in for a kiss before letting go. "That you will. Bye, love!"

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