Edward Cullen | Little Daredevil

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By : imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl | Tumblr

Pairing: Edward Cullen X Reader | Word Count: 878

Summary: You convince Edward to watch you surfing on La Push.


"C'mon, daredevil." You friend Bryan yells from his car as you get into Edward's. "Won't be this cold tomorrow."

"Will there be sunlight?"

"Nope. But won't be this cold and that's what matters." Waving at you, he drives away.

"Come with us." You invite your boyfriend even though surfing will take place in La Push.

"You know I can't."

"Why not? Sam is my buddy, he won't be mad. It's just you." Shrugging your shoulders, you put the seatbelt on.

"Everyone is your buddy." Edward gives your his half smile, eyes glancing at you every once in a while. But what he said is true. You always manage to make friends quickly, even when you're not trying.

"Not always." That makes him giggle. "Please. It'll be fun."

"Alright, daredevil." The nickname comes out his mouth in a sarcastic tone, and you roll your eyes.

"Thank you, sweetheart."


"Tell me you're not wearing a bikini. It's cold." Edward complains as you search on your bag.

"Wait for it." Pulling off your split long-sleeved swimsuit, in a shade of paddle pink with tropical flowers, you put it on. "See?"

"Where's the part that's supposed to protect your legs from the cold?"

"Oh, I don't have it. It's just the top."

Edward rolls his eyes as Bryan and the others call for you. "Be careful." He kisses your forehead before you run to your friends.

The surfboard they got you is green and blue, and you rush to the ocean. Of course, the water is ice cold, but you manage to smile to Edward's phone as he takes a pic. Then, you swim to the waves, listening carefully to Bryan's teaching. You take some time just diving underneath the waves until you feel brave enough to stand on the board. The first wave isn't so high, so you succeed to surf. You do pretty well for a first attempt, and that makes you want to face the next wave, way higher. When you're about to stand in the board, one of Bryan's friend falls. That distracts you and you lost the timing. The wave hits you and pushes you down. Your body his the bottom and a sting on your ankle make you lose the oxygen you were holding inside your lungs.

But before you can even think of swimming back up, you're pulled out of the water and being carried back to the sand.

"What the hell?" You cough, holding onto Edward.

"What the hell? You almost drowned." Bryan and the others surround you both, checking if you're ok. "She's fine. Just a sprained ankle."

"So that's the pain I'm feeling." Thank God for the cold, because otherwise, it would hurt a lot more.

"I'll take you to Carlisle." He puts you down carefully on the back seat of his car, so you can keep your leg up. "I told you to be careful, (Y/N)." He speeds away, but not as he usually does.

"The pain is getting worse, Edward." You moan, punching his seat. "Faster."

"We may have a problem." He sighs, stopping the car. You push your body up so you can see through the windshield. It's Sam with two other wolves. "Try talking to him. Isn't he your buddy?"

"Oh, c'mon." Your window roll down and you sigh. "Sam!" You yell, cringing at the sting on your ankle. "Would you move out of the way?"

"What is he doing here?"

"I invited him to come to La Push with me and I almost drowned and sprained my ankle, so would you please get the hell out of my way so I get to Carlisle." You speak fast, almost getting lost in your own words, but Sam seems to understand.

"How many times do I have to tell you-" He speaks as he comes to the window.

"Not to bring Edward here, yes. But I love this guy and I love spending time with him and I would probably be in a coma right now it wasn't for Edward pulling me out of the water, so please." Giving him a fake smile, you breathe out when he nods.


"Thank you, buddy." You have to shout because Edward is already speeding away. When you finally get to Carlisle, he gives you a brace for your ankle and a painkiller. Then Alice helps you shower and gives you warm clothes. Edward is still worried, carrying and carefully laying you on the couch.

"Are you hungry?"

"I'm fine." Rolling your eyes, you rest your back on his shoulder. "You worry too much."

"But I have very good reasons to worry, little daredevil." He changes his tone on the last word, making you giggle. "You'd give me a heart attack if I could have one."

"Too much drama."

"Because I love you." Edward places a soft kiss on the top of your head.

"I love the fact that you love me." Smirking, you laugh at Edward's groan. "You know I love you." Closing your eyes, you get comfortable. "Do you mind if I get some sleep?" Maybe it's the painkiller, but you're tired. And what could be better than sleeping next to Edward?

"Of course." He caresses your hair softly as you take a deep breath, slowly drifting off to sleep.

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