Carlisle & Aro | Advice

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By : darling-i-read-it | Tumblr

Carlisle Cullen x vampire!reader, Aro Volturi x vampire!reader(briefly)
Word Count:1821


Summary: The reader and Carlisle were in love until he disappeared which made her go to the Volturi where she found her other mate Aro. What happens when Edward brings back Carlisle and they see each other again?

Genre:Angst really with a good resolution I guess?


"Would you like to intervene?" Aro asked as he noticed your intent stare directed at Bella and her mate. You turned to your own mate Aro and nodded once.

"Yes if you'll let me," You stated simply taking a small step toward where Bella and the 2 Cullen's stood. Cullen. The name still repulsed you although you knew at the back of your mind it shouldn't. You still had a soft spot in your heart for the family. Minus one. You gazed at Bella softly and sympathized about when you were in her place oh so long ago.

"Bella darling do you know what my power is?" You asked keeping your distance. You didn't want to scare her away. She hesitated. "Be honest. I won't hurt you. I promise." You swore keeping your voice soft. Bella shook her head. "I have the ability to absorb. I can take anyone's power from them for a certain amount of time wiliest undergoing immense concentration." Bella still looked a bit confused. You decided to show her. "Edward do you mind? You are allowed to say no. I'll simply show her with Aro's if your uncomfortable with it." You walked over to Edward slowly and stopped in front of him. He glanced at Bella, clearly nervous but she was still watching me.

"Go ahead," Edward told me. You smiled sweetly at him and closed your eyes letting your souls mend. You opened your eyes slowly after a moment. The voices swarmed your head and you looked around listening to everyone's thoughts.

"Edward your power is amazing!" You stared and smiled at everyone. You focused on Caius and his thoughts.

He was thinking about the dress you was wearing and how well it fit your figure. "Why thank you Caius I happen to love this dress," you told him. Caius looked away and right at Aro who was glaring at him. You focused in on Aro. "Aro you can't kill him.," you stated causing his eyes to drift to yours. You giggled. "This is fun Edward! However it's draining me. You can have it back." You pushed the thoughts and power away to him once more hearing the thoughts leave your head. You focused again on Bella. "I got side tracked. Sorry. Can I speak to you alone? Away from everyone?" Bella didn't seem to reluctant, however, Edward did. "If I were to hurt her you'd know," you whispered to him. He mulled this over for a minute and looked at Bella. They seemed to have a conversation and then she took a step toward me. You motioned for her to follow you and walked toward your room that you used solely for getting away. Once inside you turned to her. She looked nervous. "I never really introduced myself did I. I'm Y/N. Please feel free to interrupt me. The story I'm about to share with you is long." She rubbed her arms. "I know you're madly in love with Edward. I know you are. I'm just here to give you some insight to someone who has been right where you were." She looked at you and away from the scenery of your room.

" were?" You nodded smiling a bit.

"Have a seat. Can I tell you my story?" You pulled open the two chairs from my large desk that sat in the corner of the room. She sat down and you across from her. "You promise you can't tell anyone. No one." You could hear your voice breaking a bit. Bella leaned in.

"Okay." I swallowed.

"Aro wasn't my first mate," you admitted. You didn't stop to look at Bella. You didn't want to. "Carlisle was." Saying his name made it real. You didn't want it to be real you couldn't make it real. But she needed to hear this. "I was human when I met him. He was amazing. He was sweet he was nice he was handsome. He was my dream. It was during the years that he was alone. Before Edward. I fell for him. Hard. Later I began to find things that pointed to maybe him liking me too. I learned he did and we were each other's for 2 straight years. 2 amazing years." It was getting harder to get the words out correctly.

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