Garrett | Imprint

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By : twilightt-fantasy | Tumblr

Description: can you write an imagine where the reader is a shifter and she imprints on Garrett?

Warnings: language


You shifted on your feet, uneasily. Never in your life had you been surrounded by so many vampires. It made you nervous.

Their piercing red eyes seemed like they looked through you, aware of everything you were thinking. And as a new shifter, you were having trouble controlling your shifts.

Currently, you were with Jacob and Bella. Another vampire had shown up to the Cullen house, prepared to witness to their vampire rulers - the Volturi.

You took in the appearance of the new vampire. He was tall, with shaggy brown hair and a beard to match it. He walked confidently, as if he wasn't afraid of the dangers that lurked ahead.

You watched as the nomad crouched down to Renesmee as she pressed her palm against her cheek.

He looked away with wide eyes, staring directly as Bella in amazement. The newborn smiled back at him, then his eyes met with yours.

Your breath hitched in your throat, and suddenly, your entire vision had shifted. 'No fucking way,' you thought. Although you were a new shifter, you were familiar with the concept of imprinting.

Though, you never heard of anyone imprinting on a bloodsucker.

Jacob looked at you with wide eyes, but you kept yours on the nomad, huffing, "fuck."


You tried to ignore him as much as you could. You couldn't believe you had imprinted on a bloodsucker! How could this even happen?

Of course, no matter how hard you tried to ignore him, the man found you.

You were sitting on a log in the forest, watching two of the new wolves play around in their wolf forms. You hadn't even heard Garrett, until he was right behind you.

You jumped, placing your hand across your heart. After the initial shock, you tried to run. Unfortunately, he was quite faster than you in your human form.

You avoided his eyes. You had to ignore the imprint bond - you didn't want a vampire for a mate.

"Y/n," his voice was deep, silky. Your eyes snapped up to his instantly, nearly taken away at how he was staring at you.

He was looking at you as if he was seeing a sunset for the first time. Your breath was taken as you stared into his red eyes. Unlike the other bloodsuckers, you hadn't flinched away from him.

His fingers grazed your chin and you leaned into his touch. It was like your body was moving on it's own free will. You didn't necessarily care either - this was nicer than you thought.

You suddenly forgot of all the bad things you had thought towards Garrett. He was attractive, he was funny from all the times you heard him speak, but he was also sweet and serious when he needed to be.

He smiled down at you, so beautifully and brightly, "are you done running?"

Your lips parted, and you nodded your head, "yes."

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