Embry Call | Jealousy

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By : wiltingdaisies | Tumblr

words: 2,598
fandom: twilight
pairing: embry call x fem!reader
genre: angst, fluff at the end
warnings: like, one swear word hahah; angsty embry; not edited!


Embry could handle her having friends who were guys. The issue was not that the boys were her friends. The issue was not even that he didn't trust her. The issue was that she was so oblivious to their flirting that she didn't even try to stop them from flirting with her. And that irritated him to no end. Of course, he never said anything because he didn't want to seem like a possessive boyfriend (even if he secretly was).

Currently, Embry was restraining himself. He ground his teeth together and bit his tongue to keep himself from speaking up. He sat on his hands to keep them from curling into fists and to stop himself from standing up and marching over to (y/n) and her overly friendly (and overly male) friend from school. Quil was staring at him, concerned at the way Embry was glaring and not even listening to a word he or his friends were saying.

"Embry, if you glare any harder, you'll set the poor guy on fire," Quil finally sighed, patting Embry on the shoulder, "She's responsible. If he tries anything, she'll stop him. You know that."

Embry pulled his hands out from underneath him and dragged them through his hair, sighing harshly, "I know, I know. She's just so fucking oblivious and she doesn't even notice them hitting on her and I just get so... so..."

"Jealous?" Jacob chimes in, looking up from his homework.

Embry groaned and buried his face in his arms on the table, "Is it that obvious?"

"It's very obvious, dude," Quil laughed, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

Embry punched Quil in the arm without looking up. His friends weren't the best at easing his raging jealousy, but he did feel better knowing that they cared about him so much, even if he was being ridiculous.

"If you don't want (y/n) to know about your little jealousy problem, you'd better pick yourself up quick. She's coming back over here," Jacob muttered, pulling Embry's head out of his arms.

Embry shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts, and grinned as his girlfriend sat down in the empty seat beside him. She wrapped her arms around him in a hug and kissed his cheek sweetly, "Hi there."

"Hi," Embry said softly, smiling gently at her, "What were you talking about? With your friend."

(Y/n) pulled her math homework out of her bag and set it out on the table in front of her, leaning against Embry slightly as she got to work on the math problems in front of her. "Hm, he was telling me about that soccer game you guys have coming up. He wanted me to cheer for him, but I told him I would definitely be cheering for my boyfriend. And then he asked if I could help him with the math homework, but I'm really not the best help when it comes to math, so I suggested he ask someone else. It was kind of weird. He seemed like he was trying to find excuses to talk to me, but I was kind of done with him so I said goodbye and came back here."

Embry wasn't sure why, but his chest swelled with pride and relief. For once, it was like (y/n) had noticed someone was flirting with her and she hat turned him away. Embry knew he shouldn't feel so giddy about it, but he couldn't help but be happy that, even when talking to a friend, all she had wanted to do was come back and sit with him.

"Well, I'm glad you came back. Do you want my help with the math homework?"

Quil and Jacob looked at one another and then packed up their homework, leaving Embry and (y/n) alone for a while. Though (y/n) didn't seem to notice, Embry caught on quickly and smiled to himself when Quil made a show of winking at him before they left. Embry helped (y/n) solve the math problems she had left and finish the rest of her homework for the remainder of the evening, making her laugh and smiling along the way. He sometimes wondered how he got lucky enough to be with her. It was no wonder everyone was always flirting with her.

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