Embry Call | Imprint

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By : twilightt-fantasy | Tumblr

Description: Can you write an imagine where reader (Sam Uley's 16 year old daughter, not a wolf) is the imprint of Embry. Reader goes missing for a day, and embry freaks out, and Sam gets angry that Embry imprinted on his daughter.


 You were absolutely no where to be found. The pack had searched every hiding spot they could possibly find and nothing. Where could you have gone?

Your father - Sam Uley - paced around the kitchen anxiously. Your mom - Emily - watched him from her spot from the door. She was biting her nails, equally as nervous as your dad.

Embry sat at the table with the rest of the boys. His teeth were digging into his knuckle as his leg bounced up and down underneath the table. His eyes darted from Sam to Emily.

You were Embry's imprint. The two of you hadn't planned on telling your parents right away but that changed when you disappeared. Embry had accidentally let it slip.

Sam was not happy, to say the least. But now was not the time to scold Embry - it was time to find his daughter.

Honestly where could you have gone? You were sixteen years old and didn't have your license yet. It wasn't like you could go far.

Embry could feel his patience thinning. You always told him where you went. Just as he was about to explode, the front door swung open.

You walked in with bags in your hands and sunglasses covering your eyes. You stopped short at all the eyes on you and lowered your sunglasses. A nervous laugh escaped your mouth and you waved, "hi guys?"

"Where have you been?" Your father asked immediately.

You frowned at him, "I went to the mall with f/n."

"And you didn't bother telling anyone?"

"I did?" You answered. When he raised an eyebrow, you pushed past him and walked to the fridge. You pointed at the slip of paper in the middle of the door, "I wrote a note?"

No one said anything. Your father uncrossed his arms and opened his mouth before closing it again. He gave a short nod and then turned to the pack, "everyone out."

Embry slowly stood from his seat, attempting to escape the house, "not you, Embry."

You pursed your lips, assuming that your dad had finally found out. You moved over to Embry's side, avoiding his eyes. Your dad stared at you intensely, but you didn't look away.

"When were you going to tell me that you imprinted on my daughter?" Sam finally broke eye contact to glare down at Embry. The boy seemed to shrink under his sight.

"We wanted to wait a little longer," you answered for your boyfriend, "but I don't think it was the best idea now."

"It wasn't," your dad spoke. He shook his head, "you should've told me right away."

"Sorry," both you and Embry answered together.

Your father eyed both of you before sighing and walking out of the room. Your mom sent you an apologetic look before heading after Sam.

You sighed and turned to Embry, who immediately wrapped you in a hug, "you had me so worried. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I technically did," you laughed, hugging him tighter, "you guys just didn't read the note."

He chuckled against your neck, "I guess not. I'm just glad you're okay."

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