Sam Uley | The Cullen and The Quileute

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By : it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream | Tumblr

You'd always got the same look from people when they realised you were also a Cullen. It was the look of shock and awe, but then if you knew about vampires.. it was more of a wtf look. Why would Carlisle and Esme have a daughter who wasn't a vampire. The answer was simple really, you were a Witch.


-Alice's POV-

Alice could see you coming before you'd even decided to make the journey. They had reached out to you in their time of need, asking you to return home sooner than expected.

You'd gone off to do your own thing for a bit, travelling and pretending to be a University student in London while the rest of your family went back to America. England was where your father Carlisle had found you.

The story goes that thousands of years ago the Volturi had a hand in picking off witches one by one, fearing that their power would be too great and one day they would over throw them. After all, it was Witches that created vampires in the first place. Few remained and you were one of the lucky ones, if you could call it that. At the age of 6 your powers were hidden away and so were you, a spell cast on you by your coven before they were wiped out, it was only when you reached the age of 18, your powers returned. It was necessary for them to hide you, you were the last of the original Witch Coven, your ancestors the first Witches to ever walk the earth. That was 70 years ago. Another thing Witches had in common with all other supernatural beings... you were immortal.

Of all people, you were left in the care of a vampire. Carlisle Cullen. He raised you as his own, taught you everything he could about where you came from and your magic. Your covens grimoires left to you for you to study as you got older. You finally had a full family, never knowing your real parents, you now even had brothers and sisters. You stopped growing at the age of 18, when your powers returned. You'd been with the Cullens ever since.

-Your pov-

Your heart seemed to thud against your rib cage. You couldn't remember the last time you'd been home to visit Forks. Part of the reason you went away for a while was because sometimes you still felt out of place, even though you'd been a Cullen for more than 70 years. Everyone had their mate, hell, even Edward had found his and she'd turned out to be a human!

It was nearly unheard of for a supernatural to not have found their mate at your age.. nearly un-heard of. It happened, but boy did it piss you off. Yes you were jealous, but how could you not be when you saw how happy your mum and dad, your siblings were all the time.

That aside, you were happy to be home. You had missed your family and it was about time for you to come back anyway. It's not like you needed another degree but luckily your professors said you could finish your last assignment across the pond.

Something about being back in Forks felt different. Maybe it had something to do with the visions you'd been having lately. Visions were a common occurrence for you, it came naturally with your power. But they seemed to be more frequent and always about one thing. A boy. Well, a man.

A man, a tall man, with olive skin, short dark cropped hair, broad shoulders, naked torso and denim shorts. At least, you hoped it was a vision and not some weird recurring sexual fantasy. His name was Sam. You knew that much, from the voices that whispered to you in your mind. Sam Uley.


Your bike came to a roar when it stopped at the place your sister had told you to meet them. Luckily you were wearing a helmet because when all heads snapped in your direction you blushed. Your family were hooting and grinning like idiots and the group of boys you'd seen on approach, were now giant 9ft wolves, snarling, hackles raised. Luckily, you weren't afraid, you just rolled your eyes, reaching under your chin to unclip your helmet.

As soon as it was off and you'd shaken your hair out your family were on you in seconds. Your dad first as always, giving you the biggest hug and looking you over. Then your mum.

"Oh my baby, i've missed you so much." You hugged them back just as hard, then your siblings joined in. You were the baby of the family and sometimes it really showed in the way they all cared for you. You didn't mind though, they loved you so much and you them.

You noticed the growling had stopped and the Wolves had shifted back to human form. Okay? Edward groaned and you raised your brow.

"Nice to see you too Bro." He nudged your arm with his fist and pulled you into a one armed hug.

"Not what I meant Y/N/N. I just heard something I really didn't want to hear." He glowered at the wolves standing behind him. It was then you noticed the small brown haired girl hiding behind his back slightly. Ahhh, this must be the infamous Bella you'd heard so much about. You gave her a smile.

"You must be Bella, don't worry, I don't bite." You winked and Jasper and Emmett choked out laughing. You watched as her reaction changed from shocked to amused and the girl started laughing along with the rest of your family.

Jacob was the first of the wolves to come over to you. He'd heard about you through Bella, who'd heard about you through the Cullens. You could sense he was a little precautious but aside from that he seemed okay around you, it was probably because you weren't one of the Wolves natural enemies.

The rest of the Wolves after that followed, they were surprisingly.... extremely nice and welcoming. It was the last man that walked forward to introduce himself that made you gasp.

His gaze burned into you like fire, he was the most gorgeous thing you'd ever seen, even more handsome in real life than your visions. Your head started to swim, you felt dizzy and your heart started beating rapidly in your chest which didn't go unnoticed by the rest of the Cullens.

"Hello, I'm-" You cut him off, his name swirling around in your head.

"Sam Uley." The power that was surging through you was more than you'd ever experienced. The air seemed to light up around you and just as the wolf in front of you got over his confusion your chest squeezed and the light around you dimmed, so did your vision.

If it wasn't for the warm arms that came around you, you would have hit the deck like a magical sack of potatoes.


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