Caius Volturi | In The Woods

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By : like-rain-or-confetti | Tumblr

WARNING: Dark themes!


It had to be something of pure luck that you had escaped. By even more luck, you had stumbled upon the Cullen's, your coven before you were forced into the Volturi. All thanks to Caius that is.
You clung to Carlisle's collar. "Please...don't let me go back there...don't let them take me." If you could have cried you would have and Carlisle's heart ached for you.

Alice inhaled sharply, a vision gripping her and pulling her from reality.
"I'll kill myself!" You screamed catching the Cullen's and the Volturi off guard, no one more than Caius who growled, taking a step forward. The vision changed suddenly.

You locked eyes with Vladimir, relief rushing across your face. The scattered bodies of the decapitated Cullen's surrounding you. Caius snarled.

You sprinted towards Vladimir who in turn sprinted towards you. Many guards gave chase as even Caius himself ran after you. You smiled as Vladimir grabbed your head and pulled.
There was a 'clink!' and Caius scream before the vision changed once more. Vladimir laughed, holding up your head and showing Stefan what he had done. Stefan's face lit up, laughing before your head was tossed into the nearby fire. The vision changed again with what only could be described as a war.

The Romanians had brought their all allies; the Denali, the Amazons, even the Egyptians. Rows upon rows of vampires just as the Volturi had the numbers to match.
Alice was thrown back into reality, the vision ending and the message was clear. They couldn't let you leave the Volturi. For the sake of every vampire in existence and for your own life, you had to be with Caius.

The guards turned their heads to see their three masters behind them. They silently waited for the order. Aro looked to Caius, who wore a cold expression. "Get them." Caius demanded through a clenched jaw.

The leaders had briefed them of the guards of their task and the conditions they expected you to be returned.

Alice caught Carlisle's arm, Edward not far behind her.
"We have a problem. We can't take (Y/N) with us. If we do, we'll be dead. I saw it. We need to be tactical about this-"

"Even if that means we can't bring them with us today." Edward finished.
"You can't just leave me!" You cried out. "We're family!"

Alice was about to say something when Alice's eyes glazed over for a moment, stiffening. Jasper was quick to his mates side, taking her arms.

Edward turned to Carlisle. "Carlisle-"
Alice blinked. "They're looking for them now! They just sent out the guard!"
You cried out. "Please, don't leave me here!"

Carlisle was quick. "(Y/N), run that way, keep running don't wait for us, don't look back."
You did so, panicked. Running as fast as you could.

"Do you really think they'll outrun the guard?" Emmett asked as Esme took Carlisle's hand. "We can only do so much. This is their best chance."

"And ours." Alice added.

Everything had gone quiet, or at least, it was quiet for a forest. Other than your footsteps, animals and wind. Thanks to vampirism, you could see in the dark. If you were human, you'd have no chance. You finally stopped to get your bearings. You had kept straight ahead, like Carlisle had said.

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