Emmett Cullen | Fated Mate (V)

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By : it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream | Tumblr


It was weird that sleep wasn't a thing anymore. Poof. Gone. You're going to live forever but sleep is out of the equation. Strange. Now you seemed to have all the time in the world to do whatever you could dream of, but you were stuck.

For the most part of the first day spent as a newborn, you spent your time hauled up in the library, framing in as much knowledge as your brain could possibly take. Jasper was still standing guard outside the door. Bella and Edward had brought Renesmee around to see the rest of the Cullen's but they still wouldn't let you met her. You understood it was for her safety, but you couldn't help but the feel the pang in your chest.

First, you've been turned into a blood sucking eternal being, now you cant even be around the people you love. You were still getting over the shock of being told Bella had a child. So much had happened and you truly felt you'd entered another world.

You looked up sharply; still not used to your fast speed and vampire reflexes as Edward wrapped his knuckles on the wooden door frame. You gave him a small smile and put the book in your hand down flat on the coffee table. You looked over his shoulder and noticed Jasper had gone.

"Some of our family from out of town are here. They wanted to meet you." He smiled at you softly and tilted his head in the direction of the door. You followed him, but couldn't help but feel slightly wary. You'd over heard the Cullen's speaking with the wolves outside. Something about the Volturi, the people you'd learnt are the bad guys, they wanted something to do with Bella and Edwards daughter. You were sure whoever these 'family' were, they weren't here to see you.

You followed Edward and came to a stop when you were met with a room of at least 12 pairs of eyes. You gulped and folded your arms across your chest, something you do when you feel unsure or nervous. You feel Emmett move and stand behind you you tried to back up slightly but your back was met with a hard chest and you shivered.

Some of the people smiled at you, others seemed quite wary. Apparently being a newborn is some sort of big deal.

"Did you think creating a newborn so close to this war was a good idea." A man you knew now was called Peter, smirked and joked with Jasper. Jasper just shrugged and playfully pushed the man.

You felt awkward, standing in the middle of a room surrounded by people you didn't know. There was one person, however who smiled at you and it made you relax. You could sense you and Benjamin had something in common but you couldn't play your finger on it just yet. Or so you thought.

"Oh my god." Eleazar from the Denali coven starred at you in shock. "You're an Omni." You looked around as everyones faces changed into looks of pure awe.

"I'm a whatni?" You were so confused. Edward was smiling like an idiot, Carlisle was rushing to get some books, Alice just giggled and Emmet growled and placed his hand on your side.

"An Omni Y/N, It's a someone with the ability to control atoms, so in theory everything in the universe. They're rare. So rare in fact that there hasn't been one in thousands of years." You looked at your hands, at that moment you honestly expected sparks to fly out of your finger tips, but nothing. You patted your body down.

"Nope, still me, same old Y/N" You laughed nervously not really understanding what this meant for you. Part of you just wanted to be human again. It was a lot to handle in such a short space of time.

"Great so not only do we have to protect your daughter from the Volturi, the Newborn has special powers Aro will want on his side." Alistair broods in the corner. But he's not wrong. You look around as everyone stiffens. Maybe the fights going to be bigger than you thought.

*Couple of days later*

"Emmett this is stupid" You groaned as he made you concentrate. Carlisle had been reading up about your powers and Emmett had decided to be the one to train you. In the last couple of days you'd grown extremely close to Emmett, Everything just felt natural with him around. You felt like you could be yourself. You opened and closed your palm again focusing on moving an apple with your hand. You couldn't help but laugh at yourself, all those crazy Wattpad books you'd read and now here you are a vampire with supernatural abilities.

You gave up and flopped down onto the sofa, landing beside Emmett, accidentally falling into him a little as you didn't really judge the distance. You blushed and you turned to look at him. You were shocked to see him looking at you intently but then interrupted when Benjamin walked in offering to help you with your training.

"You need to stop thinking about it so hard, open yourself up to the power. Ground yourself and let the energy flow through you. Imagine you're floating on a bed of water, calm, at peace, relaxed." Benjamin demonstrated and you watched as he made vines outside the living room window dance around like spindly fingers.

You tried again, okay, calm, floating on water, peace. You closed your eyes and let go, you felt a rush of something move through you and then you heard a gasp. Opening your eyes, you looked around, everyone had come to see the show, all of the loose objects in the room were floating around, as if attached to the ceiling by invisible wire. You look bewildered, everything seeming like a dream. You closed your eyes again, trying to get it to stop.

Water, floating, calm, peaceful.... crashing waves, your body was getting battered off sharp rocks and you could hear your blood racing through your ears and BANG.

Your eyes opened, looking around wildly, like waking up from an awful nightmare. Emmett was shaking your shoulders, all of the lights in the house had surged and smashed, your power losing control as you got sucked into remembering the reason you had been turned in the first place. The others were looking at you shocked, amazed, scared... you didn't know.

It was enough to make you flee the room.


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