Jacob Black | My Bad

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By : ineedmorefanfics2 | Tumblr

Summary: Y/N, Jacob's imprint, and Emily get into Paul's "special" brownies while the pack is on patrol.
Warnings: Drugs, A little nsfw, swearing


"Emily!" Y/N cheered excitedly as she hugged the woman.

"Y/N! It's so nice to see you! It's been to long." Emily smiled.

"It has been to long, we've missed you." Sam greeted giving the girl a hug. "Tell Jacob to let you off the leash once in a while." He joked.

"It's definitely the other way around." Jacob snorted, wrapping his arms around Y/N's waist.

"We all know she's got you whipped Jacob." Paul teased.

"Ha ha very funny." Jacob rolled his eyes before giving Y/N a peck on the cheek. "I've gotta go patrol, have fun with Emily."

Y/N gave him a hug. "I will. Be safe."

The pack left, hooting and hollering as they made their way out the door. Leah giving them an eye roll as she followed behind.

"I'll have dinner ready when you get back!" Emily yelled to them.

Y/N sat down at the table. "What do you want to do while we wait for the pack?" She asked.

"Wanna catch up on Criminal Minds?" The older woman asked.

"Hell yeah!" Y/N cheered as Emily put some popcorn in the microwave.


It had been a couple of hours, the girls just finishing up another episode when Y/N spoke up.

"I'm going to grab more snacks." She grabbed the empty bowl of popcorn and made her way to the kitchen as Emily got up to use the bathroom.

"Hey Em!" She called. "Are you saving these brownies for something?"

"Those aren't mine! They're Paul's!" She yelled back.

"I'm gonna take some!"

"I wouldn't do that. You know how he gets." Emily warned.

"He'll get over it. We cook for him all the time, a couple of brownies is nothing compared to how much food he eats of ours."

Emily exited the bathroom. "Alright but I warned you." She dried of her hands on her shirt. "Can I have a corner piece?"

Y/N chuckled as she cut two big pieces of brownies from the pan, handing one to Emily.

Emily thanked her as she bit into it, both girls walking back to the couch.

"Damn! Paul can bake!" Y/N moaned as she took another bite of the chocolate treat.

"We should make him do it more often." Emily agreed as she pressed play on the tv.


Jared groaned as he stretched his body. "How much longer?"

"Quit your whining, we do this everyday." Quil rolled his eyes.

"Yeah but it's never this long!"

"Patrol is always this long." Embry sighed.

"You guys can wait two more hours, relax." Sam barked.

"Someone's pissy." Embry commented earning a slap to the back of the head.

"Guys come on. Only a couple hours and then we can really relax." Paul smirked.

Jacob grimaced. "That sounds wrong."

Leah snorted.

"You know what I mean." Paul snapped.

"Actually we don't." Jared snickered.

"I brought special brownies."

"Special brownies? What makes them so special?" Seth asked.

"Dr-" Paul began before a hand was slapped over his mouth.

"Paul doesn't know what he's talking about and he'll make sure to take his brownies out of the house as soon as we get back." Sam demanded. "Especially since Emily will kill me if she knew they were in the house."

"Whatever I'll enjoy them by myself." Paul pouted.



A giggle left Emily's throat as she watched Y/N try to figure out the microwave.

"I want more popcorn!" Y/N yelled at the machine.

"That's not how it works!" Emily laughed coming up behind her and pressing the five button. "There! Now wait till it's done."

"Am I dreaming?" Y/N asked, stumbling over her own feet.

"Maybe. I-I don't really know anymore. I feel like I could nap and run a 5K at the same time." Emily muttered.

"Maybe we should eat some more brownies." The other woman suggested, going to grab the pan. She cut two more large pieces out handing one to Emily.

The door opening caught their attention.

"It smells like burnt popcorn." Quil complained covering his nose.

Emily and Y/N looked at eachother and back at Quil before bursting into a fit of giggles.

"What's up with you two?" Embry asked.

"Are we ordering out or something? Where's dinner?" Paul asked.

"We already ate dinner." Y/N said holding up a brownie.

The packs eyes widened.

"No!" Sam yelled grabbing the brownies out of the girls hands.

"Sam what the fuck!?" Y/N yelled.

"Sam give them back." Emily whined.

"No." Jacob said sternly.

"You're not the boss of me." Y/N huffed, crossing her arms like a child.

Paul grabbed the pan of brownies, snickering at the huge pieces missing. "Holy shit you guys ate a lot."

"Get those out of my house Paul." Sam sighed.

"My bad." He shrugged.

Jared and Embry let out snickers as Paul left with his brownies.

"Alright baby, let's go home." Jacob said picking Y/N up.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist as she snuggled her head into the crook of his neck. "Okay." She mumbled.

Sam gave Jacob a bag filled with candy, chips, and a couple of sodas. "For the munchies."

"How do you know so much about this stuff?" Jacob asked.

"Junior year was crazy." He joked.

Jacob chuckled before waving goodbye to his pack members as he walked to his pick up truck, his imprint clinging onto him tiredly.

Y/N climbed into the passenger seat with a groan, clinging to Jacob's arm as soon as he entered the drivers seat. "Can you eat chocolate? You know... since you're a dog." She mumbled.

Jacob chuckled. "Yes I can eat chocolate."

She hummed as she ran her hands up and down his arm. "Are mosquitos just tiny vampires?"


"Who invented pickles? Did some guy just throw cucumbers in vinegar and call it a snack?"

"I-" he started.

"Could shape shifters imprint on other wolves? Like real wolves?"

"Tonight's gonna be a long night." Jacob sighed with a chuckle.


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