150. Seth Clearwater

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By : wolfpackimagines14 | Tumblr

Request: could you write a (y/n) & seth both looses their virginity to each other (doesn't have to include a sex part) but the guys are picking on him about it and (y/n) finds out and is pissed thinking that he kissed and told


"(Y/N)?" I heard Seth whisper into my ear, waking me up. The sunlight was peaking through the curtains in my bedroom. My parents were away for the weekend and Seth had come over for a movie night.

We had been dating for a while now and we hadn't planned for anything to happen last night, but you almost never plan that kind of stuff. The moment had felt right and we had both lost our virginities to each other.

"Mmm," I groaned, rubbing my eyes. "I'm sleeping."

"I told my mom I'd drive her to work today," he said softly. "But I'll see you at Sam and Emily's later, okay?"

"Don't go," I whimpered, finally opening my eyes and rolling over onto my back so I could see his face.

"As cute as you are in the morning," he grinned. "I have to go. I'm sorry, baby."

"I see how it is," I pouted. "You finally get me to sleep with you and then you leave me in the morning all alone."

"Stop it!" he laughed at my overdramatics, pecking me on the lips. "I love you and I'll see you tonight, okay?"

I pulled him in for a longer kiss before letting him go.


I had arrived at Emily's twenty minutes ago and was hanging out with her and Kim while we waited for the guys to get back from their patrol.

"Whatever you're cooking smells amazing, Em," Kim praised Emily from where we both sat at the kitchen table. Emily had been cooking what seemed like a three course meal for the better part of the afternoon. The first few times that I had been over for dinner, I had tried to help, but we all soon learned that I was useless in the kitchen.

"Oh it's nothing," Emily laughed it off as she looked up at us. "(Y/N), stop eating the cookie dough! You're gonna eat it all."

"But it's so good," I pouted at her.

"I know it is," she grinned.

We were interrupted by the guys noisily making their way through the front door.

"Dinner's just about ready, boys!" Emily called out to them as they pushed and shoved their way through the doorway.

"Smells awesome!" Jared exclaimed. As he walked by the counter, he tried to grab a roll, but Emily slapped his hand away.

"Wash your hands first," she instructed him firmly before turning to me and handing me a plate. "And ladies first."

"Yeah, Jared," I teased him, "Ladies first."

When I sat down at the kitchen table next to Seth, he kissed me on the cheek and grabbed my hand with his own.

"Oh... heeeyy (Y/N)," Jared turned and greeted me with a mischievous grin on his face.

"What's with your face?" I asked him, taking a bite of the casserole that Emily had made.

"My face?" he questioned, chuckling a bit now.

"Yeah, what's with that grin? It's freaking me out, honestly."

"I'm just excited for you two," he answered me, gesturing between Seth and I. "Stepping things up!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" I was thoroughly confused now.

"Jared," Seth started in a warning tone, squeezing my hand. "Shut it."

"No, Jared," I removed my hand from Seth's grip. I could see where this was going and I didn't like it. "Continue."

"You and Seth finally sealed the deal, (Y/N)!" he exclaimed. "It's about time!"

"You told him?" I whispered to Seth, my face turning red from everyone's eyes on us.

"No! I swear I didn't say a word!" he was panicking now, seeing how hurt and embarrassed I was.

I could feel everyone's eyes on me now and the flush on my cheeks was spreading to my neck now. I shakily stood up from the table and walked out onto the front porch, sitting down on the steps. I could hear Jared getting berated by Kim and Emily, which was probably the worst punishment he could receive.

"(Y/N) I promise I didn't say anything to them," Seth had followed me outside and was kneeling in front of me now.

"Then how would they know? I didn't even tell the girls..."

"It's a wolf thing," he sighed.


"When we're wolves we can read each others thoughts," he explained. "And you were all I could think about... all day I've had to fight to keep you out of my mind so they wouldn't see or know what we did last night... but I could only last so long because I love you so much and you're all I can think about most of the time. So I'm sorry if this is embarrassing for you, but it's also embarrassing for me too."

I was quiet for a minute before he started speaking again.

"Please forgive me... I'm so sorry," he said again.

"...it's okay," I sighed. "I'll just... try not to be so irresistible next time."

This got him laughing again.

"Impossible," he responded.

"Now can you go beat Jared up?"

"Of course."

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