Sam & Emily | Imprinted

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By : stanathanxoox | Tumblr

Well if your up for it I would love to request twilight. One where a couple, preferable Emily and Sam or Carlisle and esme, find a third soulmate/imprint. Romance and maybe a little angsty like the reader comes from a rough background.


It was a hot sunny day, so the wolves had all gone down to La Push beach to enjoy the warm day and the crashing waves on the sandy beach. You were lounging on your beach towel watching your fiance play fighting with the other members of the wolf pack and you can't help but chuckle when you see them all trying to win in a fight against him. That is until you hear a strangled sob coming from nearby, your curiosity peeked you make your way over to where the sound is coming from and your startled and shocked when you feel something inside of you shift, your heart begins to beat out of time before picking up speed and then returning to normal, flashes of a future with this woman, this stranger fill your mind and you're shocked. What the hell just happened?

"Emily? What happened?" Sam's voice calls out to you as he makes your way over to where you are and you turn back towards your fiance and when his eyes see the woman you had just seen you watch his reaction to her as well and you gasp

"Did you just imprint on her as well?" you ask him and he's about to nod his head and agree with you when he pauses and asks

"Wait, what do you mean 'as well'?"

"Well, I'm assuming that's what I've just done, but I didn't think it was something I was capable as I'm not a part of the pack" you say and he frowns, before he looks down at the crying woman, you feel like hitting yourself, almost forgetting about the woman in front of you. She looks up at you, and you see her face for the first time and you gasp

"Y/N?" you ask and she looks up at you

"Emily? Sam? What's happening to me?" she asks looking between the two of you, you're watching her have the same reaction as the two of you have just had to her. You drop down next to her and rest your hand on her shoulder

"What I'm assuming has happened is that we've all imprinted on one another" you explain and she shakes her head

"But I can't, I just got out of a relationship, an abusive one. I can't, I can't imprint I'm not a wolf" she says and you look at her a gentle smile on your face as she searches yours and Sam's faces

"I'm not a wolf either, but we've both imprinted on you. It seems fate has different plans for us. And besides just because we've all imprinted on each other doesn't mean we have to be in a romantic relationship with each other" Sam says and you look at each other, knowing that all of this is a lot to process.

It takes weeks for the three of you to truly process the fact that you'd all imprinted on each other, and whilst Sam's strongest imprint was on Emily, it didn't stop his feelings for Y/N from developing. Whilst for the girls there imprinting had been on each other, but Emily's true feelings lay with Sam. They experimented with their relationship, enjoying the moments they shared with each other, but what they enjoyed most was having another person they could rely on, who understood their situation. And for Y/N, she loved having somebody that she could confide in, someone who wasn't going to judge her like everyone else had done since the start of her relationship with her ex, they hadn't judged at all, in fact, they had supported her and helped her through all the feelings that she was trying to process. She was truly grateful to the incredible pair that she had found, and if she could go back and change anything she knew for a fact that she wouldn't, these two were her future and she was incredibly grateful to the two of them.

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