Blind: JB

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School was finally on break. You were invited to go hang out with your friends. The popular guys known as GOT7. But you said no but... You didn't know that your arch-nemesis was your replacement. You were in your room just watching GOT7 videos when you got a text from Jackson.

J- Hey. What are you doing?

Y- Nothing... Why?

J- It's not fun when Seulgi is just trying to be all up on JB.


J- As always... One step ahead.

Y- Let me pack somethings and I'll be on my way!

With that, you ran and packed some clothes and got on a train. You arrived and saw Jackson and Mark waiting for you. You walked to them and threw your suitcase at Mark.

"Oof" he said as he caught it on time.

"Let's go" you said and they walked behind you.

You got into the car and the ride was silent. You guys arrived at the place and you guys walked in.

"_____________!" BamBam shouted as he hugged you.

"Thank God you're here!" JR shouted.

"We might be saved!" Youngjae shouted and hugged you.

"Thank God ____________ is here because Seulgi is so damn annoying!" Yugyeom shouted.

"Who is here?" you heard JB asking.

You looked at where the voice came from and saw JB and a clingy Seulgi.

"Oppa. Who is this thing?" she said eying you.

"I'm ____________." you said "JB's childhood friend."

"Did I ask you. You thing" she said.

"Ooh. Shit! Better hold ___________ back before Seulgi is six feet below the ground" Mark said warning.

"Hold on... Let me go to the restroom" JB said.

As JB left. Seulgi glared at you and smirked.

"Hey thing. Leave JB to me... He never loved you" she smirked.

"Excuse you" you said trying to calm yourself down.

"You heard me. He always talked about how you are just a friend. He will fall in love with me and only me" she said and spat at you.

It landed on you and you lost it. You began hitting her while Mark, Jackson, and JR was trying to hold you back.

"What is going on!" JB shouted.

"Oppa she hit me!" Seulgi ran into his arms.

"What? No-"

"Why are you so mean to people that try to be around me? Why are you so mean? You need to chill" he shouted.

"Excuse me..." you said taken aback.

"You know what... Why are you even here?" he shouted.

"_______________. Let's go" Jackson tried pulling out by your hand.

You yanked your hand free and turned to JB.

"You know what? I'm here because we are friends. I am here because I care about you. I am mean to people because me and your members know that they are not good for you." you shouted.

"If you know all that than who is good for me?" he shouted.

"ME!" you shouted.

"You?" he laughed "That will never happen"

"You know what JB? Let's just end this friendship right here and right now! Jackson lets go!" you said dragging him out.

You walked out and Jackson drove you to the train station.

GOT7 P.O.V.:

JB stood there while Seulgi was hugging up on him.

"Yugyeom. Can you-" JB started.

"NO!" the maknae said with a cold tone.

"W-What? YAH! Don't turn your back-"

"I already did!"

"What is his problem?" JB said.

"Really hyung?" BamBam said.

"What?" JB looked at BamBam with a confused.

"I thought I could look up to you... But... I guess I can't" BamBam said and walked away.

"What did I do?" JB asked.

"Nothing oppa. You did the right thing" Seulgi said still clinging to his arm.

"You what happened? That thing happened" Youngjae said pointing at Seulgi.

"What did-"

"JB... You are such an ass. You just lost a friendship that is worth more than that thing!" Youngjae said and walked out.

"They are all right" JR said "I don't even know who you are"

JB scoffs and watches everybody leave except Mark. JB looks at Mark.

"What do you got to say hyung?"

In a flash, Mark connected his fist to JB's face and he fell. Seulgi screaming as she fell next to JB. Mark lowered himself to have the same eye level as JB.

"You should know that all the things that they've said... It's all true. You got that you little shit. Now you can sit here and love the girl that only loves you for your money or you can come with us to try and stop the girl that actually loves you for you. Because right now... You're too blind to see the truth. And you being blind... Just made you lose a great person. Mark said and got up from kneeling.

Your P.O.V.:

The train was pulling up. You began walking to the doors but you felt your arm being tugged. You looked at your arm and saw Jackson.

"Can I get a hug?" he asked.

You gave him a hug and then pulled away. You got in the train.

"Wait!" a voive called.

You looked and saw JB running. He came and the door closed in front of him. He banged on the window. You rolled your eyes and the train began moving. It was moving past him and he fell to his knees.

JB's P.O.V.:

The train left and my knees gave in and I fell to the ground. I finally realized that I actually did have feelings for _______________ but I was just too blind to see it.

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