I'll Show You (Part 2): JB and Mark

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The days went by so slow. So slow to the point that you were already irritated with them courting on the very first day they started. To make matters worst, it was the first hour of school. You were fed up with all the Love Letters, box of chocolates, bouquet of roses, love poems, and the announcements that you and him are already dating. Shit! You couldn't even go to the bathroom because they were always bugging about how you need a security guard. Then they would argue, and being the idiots they are. They push each other and geta detentions.

2 Weeks Later

Mark's P.O.V.:

My alarm went off s earlier than usual. Because, it was the day that ____________ would choose me over him. I am more sexy, manly, funny, and out going. JB is just.... JB. An ordinary Korean guy. I went to go shower, washed my body and hair twice just to smell food for her. I then put a tad bit more of cologne on him and then he was off to buy a bouquet of flowers.

JB's P.O.V.:

I woke up early... But I just need to shower and all that. I am currrently looking at my closet and trying to choose what I am going to wear for today. It's the day that she will choose me over that player. We both broke up with our girldfriend just so we can get ___________. I laid out a simpke but mice outfit and left to the floral shop. As I entered the store, I saw him. He just looked at me and I looked at him. We botb gave each other a death glare as he walked past me with his bouquet. I went and ordered and went to school.

Your P.O.V.:

"Shut the fuck up!" you screamed as you tried to feel for your alarm. You finally turned it off and got up. Dammit. It's the day... You'll reject one or the other... Or maybe both... Who knows. You went and showered. Than, you did my daily routine! As you walked out from your door, you can already feel like shit. You mean... Today is the day that you am choosing the guy. Boy, will they surprised on who you choose. You entered the school ngates and when you walked in, you were bombarded with hellos, hugs, kiss, and what not. You shyly gave them a smile.

"Don't be so nervous. We know you will pick me" JB said.

"No she'll choose me!" Mark snapped.

They began approaching each other and you stood in the middle to block them from each other.

"I'll tell you at lunch!" you screamed and they looked at and nodded before giving each other the death glare.

Lunch time came and all of GOT7 came and you smiled.

"So who is it going to be?" JB asked you with hope in his voice.

"I choose..." you breathed in "I choose... Jackson"

"What!?" both of them yelled.

"Why are you choosing him when he wasn't even courting you like us?" JB asked obviously frustrated.

"Because he actually loved me for me. And because.... We've been dating for quite some time!" you said non chalantly.

Just as you said that, Seulgi and Wendy were walking past.

"Wendy!" Mark started.

"Seulgi!" JB said as he showed his famous eye-smile.

"Nope... We have to meet with our boyfriend. Just because you both got denied doesn't mean that we'll gwt back with your dirty welf" Seulgi said and then they walked away leaving the two dumbfounded.

You walked to Jackson and began kissing him.

"I love you jagi!" he said.

"I love you too babe" you said and kissed him again, walking out leaving the two still lost.

Sorry if this is bad... But I have been falling into sleep when I wrote this. It's now 4:25 a.m. and I finished this. Hope you guys enjoyed.

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