Somebody Else's Guy: Jackson

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You were nervous. You had a hard time breathing. You were in the audition line to get into J.Y.P. Entertainment. You were recommended by your boyfriend Jackson. You walked in the huge building looking for your boyfriend. You walked to the dance room to tell him that you were here. You saw that the door was opened a bit so you peeked in and saw Jackson with Youngji. They smiled at eachother, and their faces went closer and closer until their lips were connected and their heads began moving.

"Ooh. Jackson is getting it!" Mark shouted.

You stepped away from the door and went to the waiting room. You were waiting and got even more nervous because people were running out crying their eyes out. Your number was called and you went to the stage.

"Hi" you shyly said as you saw THE JYP!

"Hello" he said "You are Jackson's girlfriend correct?"

"So... I had this one song in mind... But I would like to change it if you don't mind" you said completely ignoring his question.

"Go babe!" you heard Jackson yell.

You rolled your eyes and looked back at JYP.

"What song do you have in mind?" he asked "Because the song that you were going to sing was GOT7's 'Confession Song', however, you changed the lyrics to make it towards a guy. Correct?"

"Yes. And the song that I will be singing is 'Somebody Else's Guy'" you said.

"Okay. Let's do this" JYP said.

The instrumental began and you sang.

(Play video...)

You sang it fron the heart and you looked up at Jackson. He had a complete confused look on his face. You finished singing, not realizing that you were now crying at the moment.

"Wah! Daebak!" JYP shouted "Your emotions are good. Your voice is good. Your song told a story. If you don't mind me asking... Why are you crying?"

"Because someone is somebody else's guy" you sobbed and fell to your knees.

"________________" your brother Jae shouted as he came up to you and hugged you "It's okay"

He escorted you out of the auditorium and into the main room. The door bust open and you saw Jackson and the other GOT7 members.

"Hey... Can we talk?" Jackson asked.

"You!" Jae shouted as he grabbed Jackson's collar and shoving him to the wall "You caused this didn't you?"

"Is this how you treat your sunbae?" the GOT7 members asked.

"Is that how you treat my sister!" Jae shouted and they all became quiet.

"Can I talk to you?" Jackson asked directing his question towards you.

"I don't want you to be around my sister ever again." Jae said as he dragged you out of the room.

"Wait!" Jackson shouted.

He grabbed your wrist and forced you to wait. You looked at him and yanked your arm free.

"What actually happened?" Jae asked.

"He really had another person." you said.

"Now you know why I told you not to date anybody in this company?" he lectured you.

"Yeah yeah" you said and walked to the car.

I don't even know if this is good... But please do enjoy. Have a good one.

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