Trapped In The Closet (Requested): Mark

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It contains a smut scene!

There was this myth that there was once this beautiful girl that all the guys adored and all the girls looked up to. However, she couldn't take the pressure of being approached more than five times a day by guys and girls. So she died. That was the myth. You sit there laughing at how stupid that myth was about you. Yes, you were the beautiful girl, but you decided that it was best to make yourself look like the geek in the school. So, you were walking to the school and everybody whispered about you.

"Nerd Alert!" someone said making everybody laughing.

"Hey nerd!" they shouted.

Nobody even knew your name. They were still looking for _____________ when you suddenly showed up. You just responded to "Nerd" because that was the only thing you were known by.

"Hey nerd!" a certain voice called and everybody went quiet.

You turned around and watched as he approached you. He grabbed your wrist and saw that you had a tattoo of music notes. He looked stunned. He had a crush on him but ever since, you were "The Nerd" he was just an asshole to you.

"Look everybody, The Nerd has a tattoo. Look at her trying to upgrade to our level." he said and everybody started laughing.

"Trust me Mark, I am way above your level," you said patting his shoulder and walking off.

Everybody was quiet. This event was the first. You were the very first person to ever stand up again Mark Tuna... I mean Tuan. Tuan.

"He doesn't know who he messed with," you said as you walked to class.

Class finished and you were going to the cafeteria when you heard your name being called by it again. Yes IT. Mark Tuan came up and smirked at you.

"You said that you were way above my level right?" he said and you nodded.

He began walking and when you got into the cafeteria, foods were being thrown at you after Mark shouted "FIRE!" You were now covered in different colors because of food and he smiled.

"You are above my level of being and looking like a clown!" he said and that made everybody laugh. Shit, even the original nerds began laughing at you.

You got up and ran home to take a shower. When you were finished, you decided that it was time for the pretty ice princess to come up from her hiatus. You fell asleep for the next day super early so you can have plenty of time to get her ready. You woke up for the next day and that was when you got her ready. You took a hot shower, washed your hair. You decided that it was best to wear a sleeveless black mini dress that would outline all of your curves around your body. For your hair, you decided to to have it straight but curled at the tips with your bangs combed to one side. For your make up, you had the winged eye liner as well as dark eye shadow. You complimented your look with a bright red lip stick. For accessories to finish your look, you had red gems chains for earrings, a simple yet fancy bracelet that had red gems on them, a red Gyvenchi clutch bag, red heels, a red necklace, your nails were also red, and then you had your hazel colored contacts. You smiled at the outcome of the look. And to top off the finishing look, you added a black leather jacket that was short sleeves. And then you were off. You even made your eyebrows on fleek.

"HELLO BITCHES!" you screamed as you entered the hall.

Everybody looked at you with wide eyes. You smirked as you walked past each and every basic ass broad there.

"I thought she died," someone said.

"Well, obviously she didn't if she was walking her fine ass over here!" somebody else said.

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