Airport Accident: JR (Requested)

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You held onto your camera as you waited patiently for your cousin to come out from the terminal that held the flight from South Korea. You couldn't wait to see him as he had just graduated from Kirin Art School. You also noticed that there were many teenagers that were surrounding the terminal that was supposed to reveal your cousin. The door opened and you wanted to see if it was your cousin. And it was. You smiled and waved your hands at him. He saw you and smiled as he made his way to you.

"Congrats fat head" you said smiling.

"Thanks dodo brain" he replied and you both laughed.

"Come on. Grandma and Grandpa wants pictures when you arrived" you said and pulled him out of the crowd.

You told him to stay at the window that actually had a legit background, you smiled and held up the camera, only to be knocked down by someone. Your camera flew out of your hands, and it crashed to the floor, shattering into different shapes and sizes of broken pieces. You looked at our now smashed up camera.

"I-I a-a-am so s-sorry" he said as he got up.

"It's okay." you said.

"Are you okay" you asked worried.

"I should be asking you that since you were the one that fell because of me. The question is are you okay?" he asked and you nodded your head.

"But are you okay" you asked.

"Yes" he said as he pushed his shades up higher.

He looked down and noticed that you had a cut on your wrist.

"I am so sorry" he said as he quickly took off his shades to examine you wound.

"It's fine really" you said.

"It's not fine. Because of me, you are hurt" he said finally looking up at you, you gasps as you saw how angelic yet how manly his face was, while his eyes widened at how much of a natural beauty you were.

"I- uhh." you said.

"Are you- uhh" he said.

"Uhh" you both said.

"You're beautiful" he said.

"And you're handsome. Wait what?" you asked.

"Jinyoung, we have to go. The security guards are holding the fans back" another guy that is tall said.

"Okay Mark. I know that we just met, but can we hang out sometime?" he asked "And I'll even give you a new camera" he said.

"O-Okay?" you said.

He gave you his number and smiled at you. He walked off. He came back running and kissed you on the lips and ran back to his group. You just sat there, still on the floor.

"Hey ________________. He's gone already. Text him already" your cousin teased you.

"Shut it asshole. I'm your ride and I can end your life" you said.

"Okay okay... But are you gonna text him" he asked.

"I-" you started.

"DO IT!" he said.

"Okay fine" you said.

- Hey, it's me.

- Hey there. When do you wanna meet up.

- Whenever you're available.

- That's after the concert. See you tomorrow then beautiful.. 💙💜💛💚❤💋

- K ✌👌

HOPE YOU ENJOYED IT BWOO! Sorry that's it's so late. Last quarter for college and it's not the business! Too much stress!

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