Meeting The Family: JB

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Your baby sister brought over her boyfriend to meet the family, who was Asian. You came from a Samoan family, so you guys were being the regular polys and glared at him.

"H-Hi, my name is Im Jaebum, but you can call me JB" he said.

"Aye, my name is Tavita. I'm Mele's older brother. I am the oldest." your older brother said.

"I am ____________________. I am Mele's older sister" you introduced yourself.

"My name is Timo. Mele's older brother" your younger brother said.

"The name is Phina" you younger sister said.

"My name is Temukisa, and I am Mele's older sister" your other younger sister said.

"The name is Mataio, I am Mele's favorite older brother" he laughed.

"A girls' nightmare, yet a boys dream. The name is Lita. The one who is before Mele" she said.

"Well, hello" he said nervously.

"Mom. Dad." Tavita called.

"O lea?" they called out. (What?)

"Meet Mele's boyfriend" you said and they came in.

"Hello, my name is Im Jaebum. But you can call me JB." he said again.

"Why do you want to date my daughter?" Dad asked.

"Because she's everything to me" JB said.

"What are you?" Mom asked.

"I'm Korean mam" he said.

"You do know that we are Samoan... Right?" Tavita asked.

"Of course" he said.

"Which means that she will eat forever" Lita said

"I tend to have a big appetite too" he said and smiled.

You eyed him suspiciously as everybody interrogated him. He answered them smoothly. Everybody accepted him and got up to leave.

"You stay!" you demanded him and he flinched.

"Okay" he said frightened.

"This is why I am never telling you that I have a boyfriend" Lita said and you glared at her.

"Is there something wrong?: he asked scared.

"There is" you said.

"Please don't hurt me" he said and you smirked.

"Listen here Justin Bieber. If my baby girl comes home crying because of you... I will hunt you down and kill you myself. Got that?" you asked and he gulped as he nodded his head viciously "Now be gone and have fun"

He scrambled and came and hugged you.

"Thank you for getting you permission to take her out" he said and walked out of the room.

JB's P.O.V.:

"Babe. Why are you so quiet?" Mele asked.

"Your sister is scary" I responded and she had a confused look on her face.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"She threatened me." I said and she laughed.


"________________________" I said.

Even just saying her name gave me the shivers.

"She's like that at first. But when you get close with her. She'll take care of you like you were her own." Mele said as she pecked my lips "Now let's go on that date"

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