Over My Dead Body: Jackson (Requested)

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You sat there, saying hi to everybody. You were the most popular one. All the girls admired you and wanted to be you, while all the boys wanted to be with you. You were popular and smart. You were in the top 3 rankings. Well, you were waiting for class ton start and your teacher came in, with a student.

"We have a new student from China" the teacher announced and all the girls squealed in delight "Please introduce yourself."

"Hello, my name is Jackson Wang, and I hope we will be great friends" he said and your eyes widened when he said his name.

All you could think of was, was he the Jackson Wang, that you knew? While day dreaming, the teacher called your name, which brought you back to reality and told you to raise your hand so Jackson can sit by you. You raised your hand and he made his way here. He smiled when he was at the seat.

"Long time no see" he said and you rolled your eyes.

You've ignored him, throughout the day. Days past and he would still bother you, and the main question was that... Why were you ignoring him. Or why were you mad at him. Well... When you guys were younger, you guys were the best of friends. Nothing can seperate you two... Well... That was until he left without telling you. You were waiting for him at the usual play ground that was across the street from ya houses. But he never showed up. You waited until it was 1 in the morning, when your mom said to come in and that was when she told you that he left.

You were walking home, ignoring the fact that Jackson kept honking his horn at you and screaming your name. You walked faster. You were about to turn the corner when you felt two strong arms, engulf you in a tight hug. You stopped walking.

"Please stop being like this. I know you're mad at me for leaving. But I had no choice. My grandfather was sick. That day I left was the day I wanted to ask you out. Even if we were only ten years old." he cried.

You couldn't take it anymore. You turned around and hugged him back.

"I've missed you so much Jack-Jack!" you cried into his chest.

"I've missed you too baby girl" he said "Be my girl"

You nodded your head, and he kissed your lips. He led you to his car so he can drop you off. When he approached your house, he rushed out of the car and opened the door for you. You got out and he hugged you and kissed your lips.

"Bye babe" he said.

"Bye" you said and walked in.

You smiled and closed the door after waving at him. Your smile faltered when your chest was beginning to hurt and you began to wheeze very bad. And that was when everything went pitch black.

Jackson's P.O.V.:

Well... Yesterday, I just asked her out. I can't believe that she said yes. I waited for her in the classroom. Class began and she never showed up. I was quite worried so I text her phone.

- Babe? Are you okay? Where are you? Love you! ❤💙💚💛💜

And there was no reply. The school day ended and so I called her phone. After the fifth or so ring, someone picked up.

- Hello?

- Babe?

- Who's this?

- Who is this?!

- Her mother?

- Oh... Hello Mrs. _________________. It's me Jackson. Where is ________________?

- Jackson. I'm sorry to tell you this but... ____________________ is dead. She had a rare diseases called B.A.B.S. and S.R.S.
(I got bored and made up some random ass sickness... B.A.B.S. IS BOSS ASS BITCH SYNDROM AND S.R.S. IS SUDDEN RATCHET SYNDROME... AND THEY IS BOTH VERY DEADLY...)

- W-What?

- I'm so sorry dear. But she didn't know about the disease either.

- Can I see her?

- They won't let me see her either dear. I don't think I'll ever see my daughter. They said it is a rare yet deadly disease.

- Oh. Well... Thank you so much ma'am.

- You are so welcome dear. Good bye.

I sat there in the car. Still trying to process that she is dead. She's gone. I began to drive. My tears made my eyes blurry. I just couldn't see the reason for living if the love of my life is gone. I turned the car and it slammed into a delivery truck, making my car flip over multiple of times. As I looked up to the sky, I saw clouds and smiled.

"I'll be there with you soon" I said and the truck rammed into my car, hitting my side first, making everything pitch black.


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