Birthday Special: JB

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It was your husband JB's birthday and he wouldn't wake up. You and your baby daughter Lydia kept trying to wake him up.

"Daddy wake up!" Lydia yelled as she was shaking him up.

"Hmmm" he groaned and turned the other way.

"Daddy wake up" she said again.

"Ani!" he said.

"Appa palli ireonah!" she said.

"Aniya kojo!" he yelled and your daughter went out crying.

(Oh hell nah! He made my baby cry!)

(JB wake up! Wake up!)

"JB get up now!" you said.

"And if I don't" he smirked at you.

"Say goodbye to my pussy" you said and he rolled over.

"Yeah right" he said and laid on his back.

You walked and changed. You came out of the bathroom with a bathrobe and then you got a piece of cake and brought to the room. You got on the bed and straddled yourself on top of JB.

"Oppa. Jagiya. Ireonah!" you cooed into his ear.

He opened one of his eyes and looked at you surprised at what you were wearing. He grinded on him and he moaned a lpud moan.

"_______________" he moaned your name.

You attacked his neck as you continued to grind on him. You put pressure on his bulge and let out a moan as his body shivered.

"I love this side of you" he moaned as he kissed your neck.

You sucked on his neck as your hands explored his bare upper body.

"Is this an early birthday sex present" he said seductively.

"Not quite" you smiled.

Your hand rubbed his bulge and he moaned and arched his back. He smiled at you as you began pleasuring him through the thin fabric.

"I'm about to cum" he moaned.

He ripped off your bathrobe and looked at you surprised. Because you had clothes under. You smirked and smashed the cake into his face and his head jerked back.

"Get your ass up!" you said and got off of him.

"That was such a low blow!" he shouted as you got off of him.

"I know" you said and kissed the tip of his nose where he had cake at.

"You owe me a session!" he pouted.

"Yeah yeah! Just hurry up and get ready. And that's what you get for making Lydia cry" you said and walked out.

You poked your head back into the room and smiled.

"Happy Birthday my sexy ass beast" you said and walked to the front and all you hear was him laughing.

Well, after your plans for his birthday and you put Lydia to sleep. You tried to fake sleep.

"Jagi," he cooed.

He whispered into your ear. He began complaining and jumping up the bed because you didn't give him the deed.

"You promised!" he said.

"I never promised. You just said that I owe you a session. I didn't say okay" you said but regretted it because you were supposed to be sleeping.

"Oh so you were awake" he said "And you heard everything I said but acted like you were sleeping"

You didn't respond.

"Oh now you're giving me the silent treatment" he asked.

You began smiling at his cuteness but than you gasped. As you felt him penetrate you.

"YAH!" you screamed.

"What? I didn't get the present I wanted" he smirked and continued on with his little session with you trying to push him off and him laughing as he saw you struggle and give into it.

"Fuck you Im Jaebum" you said as he laid there by you wrapping his sweaty self over you.

"You know you love me" he kissed your cheeks.

"Yeah yeah. I know! Oh sexy ass!" you said and placed your head on his chest "Happy Birthday babe"

"Thank you" he smiled and you both fell asleep.

Happy Birthday Im Jaebum... So this one took some turns of its own. I was trying to do this one quickly because I have class at 12 and it is now 11:11 but my class is on the other side of the fuckin campus. And yeah. I hope you enjoy it. Happy Birthday to the leader of GOT7! #SexyLeaderJBDay

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