Two Years: Mark

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Mark set you up for failure. He set you up so he because he had a crush on you but you were dating JB. So what his brilliant plan was to text JB and when JB is near, he would kiss you. So... His plan was a complete success because you and JB is now officially broken up. He broke up with you and now you guys are just friends. Well, not it has been two years as of today since, JB broke up with you and Mark started courting you. You are currently at your walking away from the school premises, when you heard your name being called.

"_____________!" Mark shouted.

"What the fuck does this kid want!?" you said to yourself as you continued walking at a faster pace.

"_____________! Wait!" he shouted as his voice was coming closer by the second.

You quickly crossed the street and was on the other side while Mark continued to call your name. You could just picture him now... Pouting because you won't turn back and face him. You were laughing on the inside when you felt a hand encircle your wrist.

-Ah shit! When did he get here?

-When your slow ass was laughing by yourself like a retard...


You turned around to see a pouting Mark.

"I was calling you but you didn't turn around." he whined.

"Really... I didn't hear you." you said.

"I know you heard me. You sped up when you heard me call your name" he pouted.

"Fine... What do you want Tuna?!" you asked getting straight to the point.

"You know I don't like it when you call me that. My name is Tuan. T-U-A-N! Not T-U-N-A!" he pouted and continued his little rant.

While he was on his little rant about his last name, you took that as an opportunity and left him while he was talking. He wasn't really [paying attention, so you left. As yuo were walking, you crossed the street to see JB and his friends.

"JB!" you shouted.

He looked at you and waved. You ran to them and hugged them. You saw Mark run out the store looking for you. He spotted you and pouted. He walked towards you guys.

"__________! You didn't even hear the actual reason why I wanted to talk to you!" he pouted.

"What is it Mark?" you asked slightly annoyed.

"It's been two years now! And you still haven't said anything to me! I ask you every single day, If you could be my girlfriend, but you always say no! When are you going to say yes to me!" he pouted.

"Let me think about it" you said.

Lately, you have been feeling weird towards Mark. He always made you heart beat faster and you would always feel safe and as one he he is with you. So you have concluded that you have feeling for the jerk that fucked up your relationship with your ex because he also liked you to.

"But ______________! It's been two years. TWO YEARS! And I haven't been in a relationship with one of my sides because I really want you to be with me" he said.

"I don't know if I should feel honored and touch or just weird that you still admit that there are some sides you be having," you joked.

"_____________..." he pouted.

- What a big baby! Does he think that him pouting can get me!?

- You fell for JB's pout... And I am pretty sure you're falling for his as well...

"Okay okay fine. Yes," you said.

"Yes what?" they all said.

"Okay fine. I gave you an answer and you didnt knwo what the hell I was talking about. You just lost your shot at me being with you!" you laughed.

"______________! That's not fair!" he stomped his feet and pouted.

You went and pinched his cheeks.

"Relax you big baby! Of course I'll be yours. Even though the past two years were such a pain in the ass because you had asked me the same question for 730 days in a row... You still got my attention." you said and pecked his lips, leaving him dumbfounded.

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