Soon: Mark

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It has been fifteen years. Fifteen years since your older brother Mark has been sent to jail for having drugs on him. You were so young when he was taken that you totally forgot how he looks like. You couldn't see him because your parents never let you. So in order to keep in contact with him, you guys wrote letters to each other. It was just another simple day at school. Hoping that your day will get better and better since you were late, you didn't do none of your homeworks, and you almost got into a fight. You sat across from your friends and ate your lunch.

"So have you heard from Mark?" your cousin Jackson asked.

"Nope. I keep asking when he's coming through and the only thing he put is "soon". Like when is soon?" you asked frustratedly.

"Soon must be soon." Jackson said "Have you asked him when is soon?"

"Yes and he answers soon!" you said on the verge of tears "I just want to see his face again."

"Same here" Jackson said as he rubbed your back reassuringly.

"He wrote to me saying that he enjoys making a heart with his hand" you said to Jackson.

"How do you do that. When I make it, it's not even a heart" Jackson pouted trying to make the mood better.

"Well... Because you're stupid" you said patting his head.

"Hey!" Jackson pouted.

The bell rang signalling the end of lunch and the start of the last two classes. You got up and went to your class. Your favorite class of all time. Because all you do is sleep. However, you couldn't sleep in class, so you actually paid attention.

"Oh my gosh! Is ___________ paying attention?" your friend Wendy asked loudly as she came into the class causing everybody to laugh

"Bitch shut the fuck up" you laughed as you hugged her.

"You're late!" you said.

"And you're up" she said with a mocking tone.

You pushed her head down and laughed.

"Bitch! Do you know how long it took me to do my hair?" she asked "Shit... It took three minutes."

"Bitch! It is only a bun!" you laughed.

"A sexy bun!" she said laughing.

"Bitch where!" you said.

"Please stop talking now!" your teacher demanded.

"Ne," you both said.

You were taking notes when the door opened.

"Ummm. Hello?" your teacher asked.

A guy then stepped into the classroom. He looked around and stopped when his eyes landed on you. He smiled.

"Hi can I talk to _____________?" the stranger asked as he kept looking at you.

"Go ahead" your teacher said.

The stranger then lifted up his hands and made a heart with them. Your eyes watered.

"It can't be" you said quietly as you stood up.

You assumed that it was loud enough for him to hear since he nodded his head in response. You ran to him and engulfed him in a tight hug.

"Hi little sis. I missed you" he said.

"I missed you too" you said now crying.

He picked you up and twirled you around. Your face buried in his clothes.

"I told you soon." he smiled.

"Why didn't you tell me?" you said as your face was still buried in his clothes.

"Because it wouldn't be a surprise" he said.

"Does Mom know?" you asked as you looked up at him, only to hide your face again because your tears were streaming down again.

"Of course she knows" he said smiling.

"M-Mark?" Jackson shouted.

"Yeah bro?" Mark answered.

Jackson came up and hugged him tightly as well.

"Dude. I've missed you!" Jackson said.

"I missed you too" Mark said as he hugged both of you guys rocking to the side "I hope you kept my promise. The one you made when you visited me. The one that I told you that if _____________ is hurt in any form, I'm coming after you and then the person that hurt her."

"Of course I did" Jackson said as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Good" Mark said as he hugged you guys tighter.

"I've missed you so much oppa!" you cried into his clothes again.

"I've missed you too princess" he said kissing the top of your head.

"I can't believe you're here!" you said.

"I can't believe how grown you are" he said.

"And I can't believe how sexy he is!" Wendy shouted as she thought out loud.

The moment she noticed that she it out loud she said: "OMG! Did I just say that?" Causing everybody to laugh.

Mark tunerd towards yojr teacher and smiled.

"Is it okay if I take my little sister and cousin?" he asked.

"Go ahead" your teacher said.

You went to pack your stuff and went out waiting for Jackson. When you got out, you instantly hugged Mark tighter than before.

"I can't believe that after fifteen years, I get to see you now" you said about to cry.

"Same here baby girl. I can't believe that when I left, you were only three" he said.

"I hate you" you laughed.

"What why?" Mark asked as he pouted.

"Because all you said was soon" you said.

"And it was soon. I told you to be patient because I'll see you soon" he said.

Your side of your face restes on his chest, just you listening to his heart beat.

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