Strong: Yugyeom

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"Hi can I speak with ____________?"

"Speaking. May I ask who is calling?" you asked.

"Doctor Park"

"Oh Annyeonghaseo!" you smiled.

"Hello ___________. Well... I have some news... I don't think that you'll like it"

"What is it?" you frowned.

"Well... I am sorry honey but you.. You have cancer and you have about a month or two left"

"Oh... Ummmm... Thank you doctor. I appreciate it" you said.

"I'm so sorry _________"

"No It's okay. Thank you. Good bye. Have a great day"

"Bye. You too sweetie"

You hung up and began crying. You heard the door open and close and you quickly wiped your tears.

"I'm home! What the... Are you okay?" your boyfriend asked.

"Y-Yeah" you smiled

"Then why are your eyes red and puffy?" he asked.

"I just woke up" you smiled

"Oh... Good morning?" he laughed.

"Good morning" you said.

You wanted to tell him but you telling him might be worse. Taking notice that you were very quiet, he asked what's wrong.

"N-Nothing oppa" you smiled at him.

A few weeks later, your phone was ringing but you were in the bathroom and Yugyeom answered it.


"Hi ______________. It's Doctor Park. So I have been discussing to other doctors about your cancer... And it turns out that only 1 in 6 people get. And there is no cure. So in othera words, you might have at least a week or two left."

"Wait what?"

"Ummmmmmmm. Who is this?"

"Yugyeom... Her boyfriend!"

"Well... This is awkward"

"If you don't mind me asking. When did she find out she had cancer?"

"A few weeks back!"

"Oh okay. Thank you. Have a great day"

"You too"

Yugyeom placed your phone on the drawer and looked at you as you walked out. You smiled at him but he didn't return the smile; instead, he looked sad, mad, and worried.

"Oppa? Gwaenchana?" you asked.

"Ani," he said just staring at you.

"Than what?"

"How come you never told me that you were sick? That you had cancer?" he asked furious.

"W-What?" you cried "H-How-"

"How did I find out?" he asked and you nodded "Your doctor called. I answered and he blurted out everything"

You fell to your knees crying.

"I'm sorry oppa for not telling you" you cried.

"Jagi... We'll go through this together. We are strong enough to get through this. If you are strong enough to go up against my fans and BamBam, you're strong enough to go through this" he said.

Hello... Been a while... Like what? A couple days. Anyways.... Here is another one. Please enjoy. Good night.

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