Breakfast In Bed: Mark (Requested)

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You rolled around the bed, feeling where your husband used to lay, only to find that there was no one there. You opened one of your eyes to find that the spot that has been occupied by your husband was empty at the moment. You pouted your lips as you saw that no one was lying right by you. You turned around and faced your back to where his space was.

"Yebeo~" your husband Mark cooed.

You looked and saw him at the door waving at you. You pouted your lips and turned your back towards him, hearing him chuckle.

"Yah. What happened?" he asked.

"Hmph" you responded.

"Yebeo~. What happened?" he asked his voice going a few octaves higher.

"Pallo kojo!" you said.

"Waeyeo?" he asked.

He began shaking your body while screaming your name and asking if you were okay. He began jumping on the bed while asking if you were okay. While jumping on the bed, he slid off of the bed and fell, hitting the floor, making you burst out laughing.

"Ouchy!" he said as he landed on his bottom.

You laughed as he struggled to get up and rub his butt. He began to pout as he sat on the bed.

"Yah. Gwaenchanahyeo yebeo?" you asked as you clutched your stomach from laughing.

"Hmph" he pouted.

"You okay baby" you cooed.

"It hurts" he pouted.

"Do you wanna eat?" you asked.

"I actually made breakfast" he smiled and your eyes widened.

You knew for a fact that Mark couldn't cook for shit. He sucks ass. So you would do all the cooking.

"Really?" you asked unsure.

"Yeah. I'll bring it to you. Breakfast in bed" he screamed like a little kid as he ran out of the room.

A few minutes later, he came in the room with a tray. You looked at the tray to see a plate and bowl. You saw that in the bowl were different fruit that were tried to cut weirdly. On the plate, were slices of bacon, sausage, eggs, and a biscuit. You smiled at the food that looked edible.

"I hope you enjoy" he said.

You took a bite of the bacon. BURNT! All you could hear in the room was the crunching of the bacon. You took a bite out of the sausage, and it was still kind of frozen. The biscuit was a bit doughy. You took a bite out the eggs and spit it out. Too salty.

"Babe. You can't cook. I'm sorry" you said and he pouted.

"I tried" he pouted.

"I know you did but you can't" you said as you cupped his face.

You pecked his lips, only to get more passionate and more deep. It went to the point that you guys began to moan.

"Maybe after breakfast in bed, you can make us something to eat in the kitchen" he smirked.

"Fine by me" you said and he hovered over you kissing you with such passion.

Since you were only wearing a big T-shirt, he slipped his long fingers into you entrance, making you arch you back in pleasure. You grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled it, making him groan. His fingers went further and further each time he thrusted into you.  You only had to take of his boxers just to make him completely naked, and that was what you did. You pulled his boxers off and began to mess with his member. He groaned in frustration as you squeezed the base of his dick and slowly went up squeezed it, repeating that step until you got to the tip, only to rub his pre-cum on his tip, to make it lubricated. You pushed him off of you and you got on top of him, your face right in front of his dick. You took his full length in your mouth, bobbing your head up and down, hallowing your cheeks in to give more pleasure.

"Fuck!" he moaned.

You began to stroke his dick as you bobbed your head up and down. You felt his dick twitch in your mouth, you stopped and took your mouth off. He glared at you.

"What?" you asked innocently.

You stroked his dick again and attacked it. This time, making him cum in your mouth. When you were licking your lips, he flipped you over and kissed between your legs, and then he kissed your vagina. You squirmed in his touch, only to be pushed down by his muscular arm. He began toying with you as he stabbed his tongue into your folds , making you moan his name.  He added a finger into the mix as he was playing with your vagina with his tongue. You came on his fingers and in his mouth. You watched as he smirked and stared at you seductively as he licked his fingers and his soft pink lips. He then got over you and kissed you.

"You taste so good" he said as he aimed for your neck.

And at that moment, he plunged into you, making you dig your nails into his back, making him hiss in pain. He thrusted into you, skin slapping each other, and moans being exchanged. You wrapped your legs and arms around his abs body, pressing his rock hard abs with your body. He thrusted into you but then pulled out and lied down on his back. You knew what he wanted, so you gave it to him. You sat on his hard big dick, and began to pounce on it, making his hips and thighs slapping your ass. You threw your head back and placed your hands on his abs, as he put his hands in the back of his head, showing his muscular figure. Your walls clenched around his dick as you continued to pounce on it.

"I'm almost here" you said.

"Same here." he said as you kept on pouncing on his dick.

You guys both came together. You separated and placed your head on his pecks, exchanging I Love Yous. You were about to go to sleep, until you felt the bed shake again.

"Yebeo! Baegopah! Jongmal baegopah!" he pouted as he was jumping on the bed now.

"Okay okay" you said and went to the kitchen to make you and him something to eat.

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