Dear Diary: JB

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Dear diary,

Me and JB oppa talked again! He started the conversation. If only he knew that I like him a lot. But... I can't be with him. He's too perfect for me. I really do like him. Maybe the word that is correct to say for this situation is Love. I LOVE IM JAEBUM. A.K.A. JB. He is...

"Yugyeom you bastard. Give me back my diary!" you shouted as you chased your older brother.

"Woah! You like hyung?" he asked with a smirk.

"A-Ani!" you stuttered.

"Riiiight. So you wouldn't mind me giving this to him" Yugyeom said as he tore out the paper from your diary.

"Oppa!" you yelled as he ran in his room.

Next Day:

You walked in the school halls trying to avoid both JB and Yugyeom. You was even late to all your classes because JB and Yugyeom was always right by your classroom door.

"Class dismissed" your teacher yelled and sat down at her desk.

You quickly gathered your belongings and ran to your locker. You opened it and a letter fell out. You unfolded the letter and read it.

Dear diary,

So I just found that ____________ likes me. Yugyeom showed me the diary entry. No words cam express how happy I am to heat those or read those words. Because... I also like you too ____________. Always have. I didn't want to ask you out because you seem too perfect to be with me. The way your hair cascades down the right side, it always gets me. And your perfume. It always gets me... Haha. So I like you and you like me. Would like to be my girlfriend?"


You smiled as you finished reading it. You grabbed your diary and wrote in it.

Dear diary,

Yes jagi. I will love to be your girlfriend.

You folded it. You were walking to his locker when you met him there. He smiled. You tried to have a straight face and you gave him the paper. His smile disappeared as you walked past. As you were walking, you heard him cheer and footsteps running towards you. You were backhugged and he kissed your cheeks. He gave you a paper and unfolded it. And it read:

Dear Diary,

Gotchu! You will never be my girlfriend!

Just kidding... What the letter really says is:

Dear Diary,


You smiled and looked at him.

"I love you too jagi" you said and pecked his lips.

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