About Time (Requested): Mark feat. JR

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You are known as Mikee

"Mikee? When are you going accept the fact that I have feelings for you?" JR asked as Mark was walking with you.

His jaws clenched at the sudden question.

"What do you mean JR?" you asked acting dumb.

"Honey, you know that I like you and you never even once acknowledged it," he said a bit hurt.

"I like you too JR," you said smiling and you noticed that Mark stopped walking and looked at the both of you guys, as JR walked away.

You looked back and saw that he had a hint of anger in his eyes. You swear you could see steam coming out of his ears.

"Are you okay?" you asked him and just stared.

"Do you really like JR?" he suddenly asked but you didn't answer because you were so shocked "Mikee, I am talking to you. Do you also like JR?"

"Why?" you asked suspicious.

"Tsk. Nothing. Never mind" he said and began walking.

Anonymous P.O.V.:

"Well... It worked!" a voice said.

"That's good. All we have to do now is make him confess..." another voice said.

"Can you do that to Mikee? Huh JR?" another voice asked.

"Of course I'll do it" JR said and smiled.

Your P.O.V.

It's been ages since, you've seen Mark. You were now always with JR, and you guys gotten closer and closer each time you guys hung out. You guys even told your secrets to each other.

"Mikee, if a guy proposed to you, how would you. How would you want it?" JR asked.

"I want it simple yet romantic." you answered "Why? Are you going to propose to me?"

"Maybe. Maybe not" JR smiled at her and left her as the bell rang.

Well, it's been weeks and you haven't seen Mark. You were sitting with JR. doing the assignment that was assigned homework, but since you did not want to do it home, you guys did it during class. The classroom was loud. Louder than Jackson's talkative self. But, it all went silent. You hadn't realized it because, but everybody was not quiet and looking at the door. The boys came in. JR then walked out to go use the restroom.

"Mikee?" a voice said.

Your head jerked up to find JB, holding up a sign.

Go Out With Me Please. I Like You So MUCH! 💜💛💚💙❤

Youngjae and began singing a chorus from GOT7's hit song, "The Confession Song". Jackson walked to you and gave you red roses. He smiled at you and you saw that the bouquet of roses had a letter in it.

To: Mikee,

If you are reading this, you are now going to know my true feelings. I have loved you my whole life. And I wish that I could make it possible by spending it with you til I die. I love you so much Mikee. You are my everything. You are the light, the brighten my days, you are the jewel to my heart, you are the air that I breathe. You are the one for me.


Your secret admirer. 💜💙💚💛

You looked up to find that BamBam was holding a poster that said:

Come to the front of the class...

You got up and slowly made your way to the front of the class. You walked and Yugyeom came up behind you and blind folded your eyes. You waited as everything was awkward and quiet. Until the door opened and people gasped.

(Who is it? JR? Is that why he asked how do I like to be proposed?)

"Noona if I take off the blind fold, you have to keep your eyes close. Okay?" Yugyeom asked and you nodded.

You felt the fabric loosen and you shut your eyes tightly. You were than held in an embrace.

"How've you been?" the voice said and you gasped.

Could it be. Is it him? Many questions were circulating you mind. Was it really him? Was it really Mark? You opened your eyes and saw that it was Mark, smiling down at you as he hugged you. He let go of you and got down on one knee.

"Mikee... I have liked you since the day I can remember. And I want to always love you as a friend, as a protector, as a adviser, as a boyfriend, and maybe as a husband in the future. Mikee, will you please go out with me?" Mark asked.

You didn't know what to do. All you knew was that you were now crying on what just happened. You nodded your head and smiled as everybody made little sound effect. Some people went "Awww", "How cute", to "I wish my boyfriend did that to me"

"Thank you so much Mark," you said in between tears.

"No. I should be thanking you" he said and kissed your cheeks getting people to go wild.

At that moment, JR walked into the classroom and saw you.

"Congrats," he smiled.

"Wait... You're not mad?" you and Mark asked.

"No booboo. I only acted like I had feelings for you so Mark could ask you out quickly because ya both be staring at each other as if they gold or something" he said.

"Wait-" Mark started.

"And besides, I got me a man right here," JR said as he kissed JB on the lips and everybody went wild.

"Wait. But why you?" Mark asked.

"Because as the actor of the group, I had to make it more convincing" JR said while checking his nails.

You smiled and hugged each and every one of them. And went and hugged Mark but stayed in his embrace.

"I love you" Mark said.

"I love you too," you said and kissed him on the lips.

"Mikee and Mark sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Jackson shouted like a little kid as he jumped around.

Unlike Jackson, the three younger ones, BamBam, Youngjae, and Yugyeom, all they did was cover their eyes while Mark and Mikee shared a deep and passionate kiss as well as JB and JR.

"About time they got together" JR said and JB nodded in agreement.

"It's about time, you've asked me out" you said.

"You made it seem like you liked JR," he said.

"But I didn't say that. You assumed that because I didn't answer your question." you said.

"Exactly!" he said.

"Oh hush now. Just be glad that it was about time that we finally became a thing," you said and kissed him again.

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