Water Over Blood: Mark

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You visited your older brother Mark in Seoul, South Korea. You flew all the way from L.A. You decided to go sneak up on your brother while he is at work. You begged J.Y.P. to let you see him so you can tell him how you have been sick and you may not have a lot of time left. You were put in a box and you were pushed.

"Hi. Mark you got a delivery" you heard J.Y.P. say.

"From?" you heard his voice, oh how you missed your older brother.

"Don't know" J.Y.P. said and walked away.

You felt the box being pushed but stopped.

"What do you think is in it?" a voice said.

"A human?"

"What the fuck Jackson. J.Y.P. would always check the deliveries" Mark shouted.


"What kind?"

"Just open it"

The lid of the box were being lifted. You jumped out making all of them jump.

"Surprise!" you shouted.

"Umm... Who are you?" Mark asked.

"Really retard!?" you said a bit hurt.

"YAH! Who do you think you... ________________!" Mark shouted.

"Shut it Mark Yi Eun Tuan... You Little Cock!" you shouted but you were engulfed in a hug.

"When did you come!" he asked as he buried his face into your clothes.

"I came here this morning" you said smiling.

"Oh my gosh! I missed you so much!" he said.

"Ummmm. Who are you?" a voice said.

"Oh... This is my younget sister _______________. _______________ this is GOT7 my group" Mark said as he introduced us to eachother.

"We just finished practice. Would you like to cone hang out?" the leader JB asked.

"That would be nice" you said "But can I speak to my brother for a few minutes?"

They nodded and walked out. You turned to your brother and hugged him.

"What did you want to say?" he asked.

"Has Mom and Dad told you anything about me being in the hospital?" you asked with a curious tone.

"No why?" he asked.

"Well... I was d-"

"Yo Mark! Everybody is hungry. Can we please go?. Jackson interrupted you.

"Okay" he said and grabbed his stuff and left you.

You decided to follow him. He made you go in. He sat next to you. You guys arrived at the dorm and you asked if you can talk to Mark again. You followed BamBam as he led you to his room. You knocked on the door and the door opened.

"Did you need something?" Mark asked you.

"I need to talk to you" you said in a worried tone.

"Well make it quick because all the boys are taking their girls with us. We're all going on a date" he said.

You closed the door and sat on the other bed.

"Well... Like I was saying... I am sick-"

"Oppa!" a girl shouted as she burst through the room.

"Hey babe" he smiled.

"Who are you?" she asked with so much hate.

"I'm _____________. I am Mark's younger sister. Can you please get out so I can finish this conversation with my brother. It'll be short. I promise." you smiled.

"Sorry _____________, but we have a date" Mark said as he got up from his bed and grabbed the girl's hand.

"But it's important!" you shouted.

"I am pretty sure it can wait. My baby ia waiting" he shouted and walked out house.

A Few Hours Later:

You called Mark's phone.

Note: Italics is Mark speaking.


-Ummm. Oppa. Where are you. I need to speak to you

-Can it wait. My girlfriend is talking to me.

-But it is an emergency.

-It can wait!

And with that, he hung up. You decided to grab a piece of paper and pencil and write him a letter. After you finished, you left the dorm.

Mark's P.O.V.:

We finally arrived at the dorm and I am so beat. I walked in and looked for ____________ since she said she had something urgent to tell me. But nothing comes before my friends and my baby girl. I walked in the living room and saw nothing. I thought she would be sleeping in my room so I headed for the bedroom. I opened the door and was met with the emptiness. I looked on my bed and saw a paper folded in half. I grabbed and sat in the living room. I opened it and read.

To Mark Yi Eun Tuan,

I am writing this because you ditched me for your friends. So much for FAMILY FIRST right? Anyways, what I wanted to tell you was that... I was diagnosed with a rare sickness that can't be cured. I have a little more time left. I would have spent my time with Mommy and Daddy... But they're gone. They died in a car accident. I came all this way to be put on hold because my selfish older brother wanted to hang out with his friends and girlfriend. I only wanted five minutes. But I guess that was too hard for you right? Anyways, I came Korea because I didn't have a place to stay. I was planning on asking you, but that changed. So yeah... This is what I was talking about. Don't try to find me... You might not know if I am dead or not because you'll always be with your friends.

Your sis

I hadn't realized but, I was crying and all my members were trying to ask what had happened. Because my sobs was becoming more and more hard, I showed then the letter. And they all looked at me with a sad expressions. I can't believe that my little sister came all the way here to visit me. But I ended up choosing mt friends. I am so stupid.

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