Crushed (Part 2): Mark

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Eight years has passed.... Yes. EIGHT BLOODY YEARS HAVE PASSED! And still no word from Mark. But... You moved on. You are now a very successful woman. You graduated from a very successful college with both your Bachelors and Masters. And now you are a fashion designer, choreographer, dancer, singer, rapper, actress. And overall, you are the CEO of a huge successful company that is helping out J.Y.P. Entertainment. The entertainment that your husband is working for. Oh yeah... Hehe. During the eight years, you met JB through a friend. You guys were kind of in the exact same position, with their significant other just walking away leaving you dumbfounded and lost as fuck. You have a five year old daughter name Carey. And he is in a SUCCESSFUL and big group under the name of GOT7. Well, J.Y.P. asked if you can do the choreography for GOT7's comeback for their mini-album "MAD". Of course you agreed and you finally get to meet your husband's bandmates for the first time. You walked to the front desk and told the receptionists that you were told by J.Y.P. that you were going to choreograph GOT7's comeback.

"Are you perhaps ____________?" the lady asked and you nodded your head.

"Yes I am. Is there a problem?" you asked worried.

"No. J.Y.P. just asked if you could go to his office first to fill out some paperwork because you are married to JB, so he wants you to agree that you and JB are not a couple while you guys working with one another" she explained.

"Oh okay. That's fine. Ummm. Where is his office by the way?" you asked.

The lady took there in person since she had to escort another person to hin as well. You arrived and knocked on the door.

"Come in" the voice shouted.

You opened the door and smiled.

"Hi. I was told that you wanted me?" you asked.

"Ah. Yes. Ummm. Do you mind if you and JB not claim eachother as a couple while you work together. I mean I don't seem nothing wrong with that. It's just past experiences weren't that good. People complained that they were being treated unfairly" he explained.

"Oh that is fine. Don't worry" you said nodding your head in understanding.

"Okay. I'll take you to their room. I already informed JB about it too and all he said was "I'll try because I can't ignore my beautiful wife when she is working with me"" J.Y.P. said shaking his head "Is he always that cheesy?"

"I don't even get to hear his cheesy side." you laughed.

You followed J.Y.P. to a door and he stopped.

"Is this your first time meeting them?" he asked.

You nodded your head and he stared at you in disbelief. He opened the door and walked in. You followed after him and he introduced you to everybody. You stood there dumbfounded as he stared at your eyes. There he stood, just staring at you, not moving a muscle.

"You guys can leave. I'll make up the choreography and show it to you guys tomorrow. So please leave now so I can concentrate!" you kind of shouted.

They left and you smiled at JB as he walked out. You listened tk the song and began making up moves. You finally finished in about two hours and thirty minutes. And when you finished it, you heard clapping. You looked and saw Mark clapping.

"You look great __________" he smiled and walked closer to you.

"Thanks" you said and began grabbing all of your belongings.

You walked past him but he caught your arm and hugged you

"MARK! GET OFF OF ME!" you shouted.

"Why? What happened? Why didn't you call or text me?" he asked a bit hurt.

"Excuse me but if you don't remember, you broke up with me! I told you to tell your parents and you were like "NO" and then you just walked off leaving me behind like our relationship didn't even mean anything to you!" you yelled.

"But it did mean something" he said smiling.

You rolled your eyes and yanked yourself free and was walking out.

"Don't you want to come back to me?" he shouted a bit angry.

"No!" you shouted.

"Why not?" he shouted.

"Because she is happily married to me with a one child!" JB said grasping your hand smiling and kissing you.

"Wait what?" Mark asked obviously hurt.

"I am happily married with a man. Not a little boy who thinks that every lady wants a piece of him. Because I don't want a piece of you. Because I got JB as a great husband, father, teacher, lover. And what did you do? Leave me alone in the cold at the park." you threw in his face.

"But if we did get married, I would have changed" Mark said on the verge of crying.

"And that is when your are wrong. If we did get married? We were never going to get married because you never wanted to tell your parents that we were in a relationship. And just seeing you right now. It proves that you still didn't change." you harshly said.

"I could have changed... What would I do if you could come back to me?" he asked.

"Mark. I don't want to go back to you. You're just a little boy. Get over ne because I am happy with my little family with JB." you threw in his face.

"Awww. My jagi is so sweet" JB exclaimed and squeezed your cheeks.

"Mark grow up and forget about me. Because this is all your doing. Don't forget that!" you said and intertwined you fingers with his fingers "Because I am abd will always be in love with JB!"

You threw in his face and his face had a hurt expression. He then began crying as you walked out...

Mark's P.O.V.:
When she walked out. I felt like my heart was just crushed. Crushed into a million pieces. I fell to my knees and realized that the things that she said were all true. This was all my doings. If I had just told my parents, would she be with me? Would I be the one that was holding her hands instead of JB? Would I be holding the title of being able to call myself the father of our children?

(Karma is a bitch!)

(I messed up BIG time huh?)


(What am I going to do?)

(Do what she told you to do! Forget about her. Afterall, this is your doing!)

Hey peeps! How was this? Anyways, I hope you have a great time reading this because I'm trying, KEYWORD ** TRYING**, to make a ratchet ass one. But I am too lazy to think of something hella ratchet. So yeah. Please do enjoy! Thank you guys!

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