We Were Meant To Be (Part 4): Mark feat. Jackson

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Well, you and Jackson were running the company throughout the seven years with aid Mr. and Mrs. Tuan. You were even pregnant. Eight months going on to nine months. You were almost off and than you could go home. You said good bye to the janitor as the two began to clean. It was odd because they did not even say good bye like their usual nice self. They just ignored you. You assumed that they were having a bad day, that is why they ignored you. You locked your office and past by them. You bid them a farewell again and than walked out. You were in the elevator, when you felt it. It just happened so quick.

"Holy shit!" you said as the elevator hit the ground floor.

You wobbled out and tried looking for your car.  You found it wrecked.

"What the fuck?" you said kind of irritated.

You decided to text Jackson to come pick you up.

Y- Babe. Can you come pick me up please? Please be quick!

J- What happened?

Y- 🚼👶

J- Huh?

Y- My water broke gosh darnit Jackson!


Y- Okay. Be quick.

J- Remember breathe in and out
    Calm down
    Speak to the baby
    Think of a name
    Just DON'T give birth in the parking garage!



Y- ❤💙💚💛💜💋💜💛💚💙❤😘

J- U2 BABE! 💋❤💙💚💛💜💝😍

He than drove to you. As you were waiting, you kept on hearing things. And every time you would turn around, there will be nothing or no one. You turned back around and began sweating like crazy as the baby kept giving you pain and cramps. You tried to color your breathing. You would hold in your stomach as you held in your scream of pain. You stumbled to the opening where the car should be at. You breathed heavily and when you reached the opening, your face was covered in a cloth. You tried to fight it, but the pain was unbearable and you gave in and you blacked out. You felt yourself being carried and thrown into a car. The good thing, is that you landed on your side. You felt the car drive but you heard nothing. About thirty minutes or so, the car came to a complete halt and the door opened. You tried opening your eyes, but it was too bright that your automatically shut. You groaned in pain as you felt your hair being pulled and your body being dragged. You were than thrown to the ground as well as your belongings. You opened your eyes slowly and your eyes began to adjust. You looked around to find yourself in an old abandoned factory house. You looked forward only to find them. Mark and Jessica. They stood there smirking at you.

"How does is it feel?" she asked as she walked up to you.

"What do you mean?" you asked confused as she kneeled down to your level.

"How does it feel to lose something that you want the most?" she smirked at you.

"I don't get it," you said confused.

Just the simplest action made you understand. And that was her looking at your stomach. You tried to get up but she pushed you down harshly.

"Please stop," you cried.

"I told Mark that I was going to kill you someday. When we had the company. But you, you took it from us. And now we will take it from you!" she laughed and Mark came up and smiled.

"I told you that this wasn't over" he said.

"Please don't hurt me." you said as you tried to scoot back "Ple-AAHHHHHH!"

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