Visiting With A Surprise (Part 2): Mark

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It's been six years since you've walked out of your relationship with Mark. You never ever wanted to see him again and that was final. You're parents were having a get together for fun because you guys haven't been under the same roof for quite some time. You were getting ready for the big day as well as your son Emerson. You heard the door open and heard JB.

"Guess who's here?!" JB said.

"Hi Daddy JB!" Emerson yelled

JB volunteeree to be the fatherly figure to the son. When he visited, he ended practice early and said that he had things to do. But really, he came to see you and your son. And yes... Emerson knows that JB is not is real dad, it's the fact that he doesn't know who his real dad is. Emerson ran to JB and hugged his leg. Yugyeom walked in and Emerson screamed in happiness.

You said hi to all of them and began smiling. But that slowly disappeared. As you were rejoicing, you didn't know that your parents had invited the whole GOT7 and their families. So as you were smiling, it faded when you saw him. Mark. He walked in slowly and pooked around only to land on you. His eyes were full of regret and sadnees.

"What are you doing here?" you asked with so much hate.

"I-I was invited" he said.

You saw Mark looking at Emerson. He looked at you.

"Is he mine?" he asked.

"No... He was yours" you said coldly as you grabbed Emerson and a jacket for the both of you.

You walked down and slowly stopped by the living room with all the parents.

"Sorry you guys... I totally forgot that I had promise Emerson to do what he wanted. I'll see you guys in a couple of days" you said as you rushed out.

You hopped in the car only to see Mark running out. You quickly drive off, leaving him there in the cold. You were trying to hurry away so they wouldn't follow but you didn't see the drunk driver,as he smashed his car into your car, turning your car over a few times.

"Mommy? I'm okay. But are you?" you heard Emerson asked.

"Yeah baby. Mommy is o-" you said but you blacked out.

You woke up to find yourself in the hospital. You looked to find your son sleeping there on the couch. You geard a knock and the door opening. You were surprised by who it was... Mark.

"Can I help you?" you asked.

"Are you okay? You had me worried!" he said.

"Oh now you care?" you said sarcastically.

"I've always cared! What is that supposed to mean!" he said furiously.

"You didn't care back then. When I told you that I was pregnant with your child. All you did was fuck some other chick!" you said.

"And that was a mistake! I want to make it right with you!" he said "I want to be the father of my son Emerson!"

"Mommy... This guys is my Daddy?" you heard a little voice ask.

You were about to say no but you couldn't lie to him. So you just nodded your head as you looked down.

"Please take me back. I was stupid and it was a stupid choice for me to do that. But please, take me back for the sake of Emerson" he said through the tears.

You were surprised because through the 3 years that you guys have been together, he never once cried in front of you. He always held it in and let it go when he was alone. You saw and heard the sincerity in his voice as ge was desperate to be the fatherly future to your son. You took a deep breath as you tried not to cry yourself and nodded your head as ge was still crying.

"I won't let you down! Thank you so much for giving me a second chance. I will spoil you and Emerson!" he said smiling "Please forgive me. I really do hope that this visit means a lot to you"

"It does," you said ad you kissed his lips.

"Son, lets go home" Mark said as you were being discharged.

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