If You Do: Youngjae

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That's what you saw him write. And you knew that it was directed towards you because you were taking care of your little brother who looks much older than you. He has cancer and has a few more years to live so you decided to spend more time with him. You were walking with your brother while holding hands. You guys were talking about him.

"What if I die tomorrow?" he asked.

"Don't say that" you scolded him as you tried to keep the tears in.

"I'm just saying. What if I don't wake up tomorrow-"

"You will wake up." you were crying now.

You held his hands and you kissed the side of his head.

"Please don't talk about that," you begged "It's bad enough that you're the last family I got" you said.

"____________?" a voice called you.

You turned to see your boyfriend Youngjae staring at you and your brother.

"So you ditch me and hang out with another dude!" Youngjae said as he came and grabbed your brother's collar.

"N-Noona!" your brother cried.

Anger filled you now.

"CHOI YOUNGJAE! PUT MY BABY BROTHER DOWN! NOW!" you screamed and Youngjae eyes widened.

"Brother?" he asked.

"Yes brother. You thought that he was a replacement for you?" you asked and he nodded.

"Yes" he finally said looking down.

"Don't be. Nobody can replace you. And if you're going to write something about other people. Make sure the person ain't by you" you smirked and his eyes widened.

"Baby in so sorry" he said and the night was full of you, your boyfriend, and your brother.

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