I'll Show You (Part 1): JB & Mark

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Hello peeps! Soooo... If you're wondering why the oneshot is with BOTH JB and Mark... I have no bloody idea. But this story was inspired by Ailee's song "I Will Show You" and yeah. Enjoy!

You were walking, holding your books close to your chest with one hand, pushing your glasses up with the other one, and trying to get to class. You stopped by your locker and when you closed it and turned, you saw your two crushes and their group. They waved in your direction.

Inner Thought: Omo! JB and Mark oppa waved at me! Should I wave back!

You contemplated on waving back at them. You ended up waving at them only to recieve a dirty look from them. You put your hand down in an instant but your books were knocked out of your hands and everybody started laughing.

"Oops. Sorry... I didn't see you there!" the queens of the school, Wendy and Seulgi, said as they strode towards their boyfriend.

"Did you have anything to say to our boyfriends?" Wendy asked.

"Or confess that you have feeling for them!" Seulgi laughed.

"And the funny thing is... You can't have them both because
1. They're already taken.
2. We're the pretty ones here
3. You're not even pretty
4. You are a nerd" they laughed.

"You guys. Come on. That's enough!" Jackson screamed.

"Fine... Are you hungry ___________?" Wendy asked.

You nodded your head. She offered you an apple. And the moment you reached out for it, she purposely dropped the apple onto the floor.

"Eat! That's another reason why you cannot have them. You're too fat!" Seulgi laughed.

"Well don't just stand there. Pick it up and eat it!" Wendy demanded.

You did as you were told and they all laughed.

"You will never be with any of us!" JB stated.

"I can't even imagine us asking you out!" Mark joked around making everybody laugh.

Tears streamed down your face and you ran out of the school doors and straight to your home.

Next Morning

You woke up and decided to turn the tables. So you got up super early just to beautify yourself. You didn't have your original pigtails, instead you had your hair cascading down with the ends curled. You didn't wear your glasses but your colored contacts. For clothes, you wore a black mini dress that showed every curve that you owned. And to go with the outfit, you wore your black 3 inch heels and certain accessories. For make up, you did light eye-liner, mascara, and pure red lipsticks. You finished off with a bit of eye shadow and then went on your merry way to school. As you entered, all eyes were on you. You purposely walked slowly so that everybody could take a good look at you. You stopped in front of Mark and JB and the gamg. All their eyes were on you shocked, except for Jackson.

(I wonder why Jackson is acting like that? ** nudge nudge **)

(YAH! They can wait until part 2)

"Hi are you new here?" JB and Mark asked biting their bottom lip.

"Ani," you said "It's me _____________"

Their eyes grew big when you said your name.

"So ________________? I heard that you had a crush on me?" JB asked smirking.

"No she had a crush on me! Right?" Mark snapped.

"Why don't you guys court me and in two weeks time?" you smirked.

"Okay! May the best man court her!" they said together giving each other death glares.

"I will have her all to myself!" JB said.

"And what about Seulgi?" Mark smirked "She'll be mine!"

"Don't forget you have Wendy!" JB smirked.

They continued with the death glares. Everybody staring at the incident that is happening.

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