I Can Be Sexy Too: Yugyeom (Requested)

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You sat there waiting in line as you approached the table for the fan signing event. You approached each and every other member and smiled and got their autograph. You ended up at the last member... Yugyeom.

"So _____________________? Whose your favorite member?" he asked smirking.

"Hmmmmm" you said thinking.

"Do you really have to think about it?" he asked a bit irritated.

"You asked what?"  you asked playing dumb.

"Who your favorite member is?" he asked irritated.

"My favorite member is probably..." you said and his smile grew wider.

"Who?" he asked anticipating it.

"Probably JB and Mark" you said and his smile faltered.

"What? Why?" he asked a bit hurt.

"Because they can be sexy without trying" you said non-chalantly.

"I can be sexy too" he shouted.

All of this was happening while the boys were laughing at the two of you.

"Can you?" you teased him and his eyes became cold and hard.

"Yes" he said and the fan event was about to start.

Everybody was doing their own thing, situating themselves as they got comfortable. You sat in the first row, so you could see everything. You sat there waiting for the program to begin. It began with the members saying hi and introducing themselves. While Yugyeom introduced himself, he kept his eyes on you the whole time. It was time for the members to show them a side that the fans have rarely see. Mark did sexy, JB did cute, Jackson did serious, JR did angry, Youngjae did cute, BamBam did sexy, and Yugyeom did sexy. He walked up and was centered stage, right in front of you. He smirked at you and looked at you.

"Jackson give me a beat!" Yugyeom demanded.

"Will do" Jackson said and began beat boxing.

Yugyeom hit every beat and with a hard hip thrust and he thrusted into the air, making all the girls swoon. He got on the floor and he began to dry hump the floor. JR, being the mother he was, came and covered Yugyeom while hitting him on the head. Yugyeom and smirked  at you.

"Was that sexy enough?" he smirked.

All the girls nodded their heads in sync. The only person who shook their head was you. You shook your head while smirking at him. His smile faded and his eye began to twitch.

"Meet me in the back now!" he demanded and you got up while the girls began to cheer.

You walked up the stage, hi fiving all of the members while walking past them. You were now back stage. The moment you sat down, he threw questions at you.

"That wasn't sexy enough? Who was the sexiest then? How can I show you that I can be sexy?" he asked.

"No it wasn't sexy enough. Mark was the most sexiest. And all he did was wink and bite his lip. And you have to think of what you have to do" you said and his head dropped.

"But baby. What do I have to do just to show you that I can be sexy too?" he pouted while stomping the floor.

"My gosh. It was all a joke" you said and his head jerked up.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yes" you said "But Mark was still better"

His smile faded and he slowly made his way to you.

"Let me show you how sexy I can tonight. Maybe that will make you stop looking at Mark" he whispered into your ear.

"Try me bwoo. You won't last" you said patting his head.

"I can" he whined as he stomped his feet.


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