Reset: GOT7

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So, GOT7 is like your brothers. You guys went through thick and thins. Well, you guys had a problem that didn't turn out to well. Nor did it end truthfully. Rumors were that you were only close to GOT7 for their money. Well, they believed that bullshit and came at you hella foul and yelled at you all at once. The next day, you decided to move back to California and just forget about them. It's been seven years and you were asked to come on a reality show to talk about GOT7. You were hesitant first because you had to talk about GOT7. But you ended up going anyways. You walked to the back of the buulding to find so many people there. And you went in. The show started and segments were done. You just happened to be the last segment.

"Hi. It's your girl Jela! And this segment is called "The Reset". And we have been contacted by a fellow human being to help them reunite with a great friend of theirs. And we have. Please welcome the friend _________________!" Jela screamed and people began to cheer.

"Hi" you said as you hugged all of them.

"Well baby, can you tell us about the band GOT7?" the co-host asked and cheers were head.

"Well... They're were like brothers to me. They helped me, fed me, protected me. They did everything an older brother would. They would always make my day with their dorkiness." you said crying now.

"Well booboo, have you ever reconsidered reconnecting with them?" another co-host asked.

"Maybe. Maybe not" you answered.


"You see. We had this misunderstanding. Someone spreaded this rumor about me saying that the only reason why I was close with GOT7 was because of the money. But the thing was, I was close with them because they made me feel welcomed. They made me feel like I was important because throughout my whole life, I was physically, mentally, emotionally, sexually, and verbally abused that when I ran away and met them. They saw me as someone. Not something." you explained.

"Where did you guys meet?"

"We met in a weird way. They met me by saving me. I was sick of life that I was going to jump off a bridge when I was pulled back." you said.

"How wohld you feel if you saw them?"

"Yeah right. The last thing they said to me was 'I hate you and I never ever want to see you again'" you told.

"What would you like from them?"

"I want them to be there when I grow up. It's been seven years since I haven't seen them. I want them to see me as I grow up." you said sniffling.

"Well, GOT7 is actually here to talk to you" Jela said and with that one by one, they cane and walked out looking at you with eyes full of regret.

They sat by you. They looked at you and they burst into fits of tears.

"We're sorry," JB said.

"Please forgive us?" Mark said.

"We should have known better" Jackson said.

"We should have been by your side" JR said.

"Instead of against you" Youngjae said.

"Please forgive us" BamBam said.

"And come back with us" Yugyeom said as they call cried.

"But why?" you asked.

"We don't know either. We were just listening to rumors" JB said as he grabbed your hands "Please come back to us."

You were shocked that you began crying now and you nodded your head. You hugged them all as you guys cried in each other's embrace. The hosts smiled.

"This is a reset button. Just press! And now we'll know and you too that you guys have reset yourselves and now are close as ever" Jela said.

"Together on 7. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7!" you screamed and you all pushed the Reset Button and you guys hugged each other, knowing that you guys were now on good terms.

Inspiration: The Real Daytime Talk had a segment like this. I hope you enjoy it.

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