Trying to Explain: BamBam

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You were walking aimlessly around the school trying to get away from your older brother Mark and his friend BamBam. Whom you had a huge crush on. You were hurt that your crush just said that you guys are just... Friends...

(isn't better than not being friends? Thirsty much?!)

(Ani! And I am not being thirsty! Rude!)

(is you mad or nah! LMFAO!)

(Shut your face and keep writing the fanfic!)

(Remember that you are the imaginary character!)


ANYWAYS! You weren't really looking where you were going. You accidently bumped into someone.

"_____________? I finally found you" a voice said as your wrist was grabbed.

You turned around and saw BamBam smiling at you. His perfect smile that could melt your heart...

(What heart... She is cold heart... ** whisper **)

(I heard you perfectly clear...)

( O_O )

You smiled back.

"What happened. Is something bothering you?" he asked worried.

Inner Thought: Yeah! I have a crush on you for quite some time and every time I trying to explain myself... I make myself look like a dumbass.

"Nothing is wrong" you smiled reassuringly.

He looked into your eyes and asked again.

"We've been friends for quite some time. I know when you're lying, mad, sad, anything. What happened?" he asked.


"Oppa!" a voice cut you off.

"Oh hey babe" he smiled at his girlfriend.

She looked at you and smirked. She knew that you had a crush on him. Which is why she asked him to be her boyfriend.

"_______________. What were you going to say?" he said giving his attention back to you.

"Nothing. I was just going to explain myself. But it doesn't matter anymore" you smiled trying to walk away.

"What was it. What were you trying to explain?" he asked kind of irritated.

"I was trying explain that you were a good friend-"

"Stop bull shitting!"

"I'm not-"

"For goodness sake just-"

(Can ya both shut the fuck up and let eachother finish what ya trying to say!)

"I was trying to explain to you that I have a crush on you! I wanted to be more than friends. I would do anything just to make you mine. But that doesn't matter now" you said and left him there dumbfounded.

(You did well)


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