Caked: Mark

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"Babe! Wake up!" you shouted.

"Five more minutes "he groaned.

"Mark! Pali!" you shook him.

"Ani!" he shouted.

"Fine" you pouted and walked out.

You walked to the nearest store and went to go buy a cake. You bought him a chocolate cake with cookies-n-cream ice cream in. You walked back to your apartment to find your boyfriend still sleeping.

"Jagi! Irreonah! You've been sleeping for 12 hours dude!" you shouted.

"Get the fuck out and stop bothering me!" he shouted.

You went and ate a piece by yourself.

"We were supposed to celebrate this special day together. We had a chance to celebrate our birthday but your not here. You're still sleeping!" you said.

You cut another piece and walked around the house eating. Until you got a text from JB.

J- Happy Birthday dongsaeng! What are yoh and Mark up to?

Y- Nothing. His ass is still sleeping.

J- Can the rest come over and celebrate with you?

Y- Please

J- Be there in thirty.

You smiled at the thought of all of them coming. You went to the room and saw Mark still sleeping. Moments passed when the you heard a knock on the door. You ran and opened it.

"Hi guys" you said trying to sound happy... But you failed.

"He's still sleeping" JB asked.

You nodded your head as you frowned. You let them in and they ate and laugh. You guys were sitting there realizing that Mark was still sleeping.

"You guys want to pull a prank on Mark?" you asked.

"It depends..." Yugyeom said.

"Heck yeah! It should be him and you here!" Jackson said.

You nodded your head in agreement. You looked at the remaining piece of cake and put it on a plate. You smirked at the thought.

"We should throw things at him" they shouted.

"Like?" you asked curious.

"What balloons. Or poor a bucket full of water on him and then smash his face with cake.. JR said.

"I like that" you smirked.

You guys got three big buckets of water and went to find Mark still sleeping.

"Wait" Jackson said and went in the front.

He came back with a pie pam full of whip cream. He signalled BamBam, Yugyeom, and Youmgjae to poor the water on him. Within a flash, Mark jumped up from his soaked bed. You smashed the plate of cake on his face and he fell back down on the bed. He got up and Jackson threw the pan at him and his head jerked back. The pan slid down slowly. And you guys ran out. You heard loud footsteps coming down the stairs so you got ready. When he was in sight, you threw the yoga ball at him and he fell on the stairs. He struggled to get back up and when he did, you smashed his face with the remainder of the cake.

"YAH!" he shouted wiping his eyes and mouth.

"I feel better now" you smirked.

"Whose idea was this?" he shouted and without hesitation, everybody pointed at you.

Mark looked at you and you looked at him and smiled with your 'You got me' smiled before running up the stairs. You hid in the closet and a few seconds later, you heard Mark coming.

"Babe.... Where are you?" he asked as he came to the door.

He opened it and you ran for your life. Throwing things down to make him slow down. But that didn't work since all he had to do was jump over the objects as if they were hurdles. He grabbed your waist and smashes his face with yours.

"Happy birthday jagi!" he smiled as he saw that you had cake on your face.

"Happy Birthday to you too" you said as you pressed your lips on his.

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