Confused: Mark and Youngjae (Requested)

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You were walking to school. Nothing new. Just you meeting up with your two best friends Mark and Youngjae. But it's weird. They seemed so... Distance towards each other. Like they weren't friends to begin with. They would always glare at each other. They don't even sit with me anymore. If one sits with me, I catch the other one sitting somewhere else. So because I felt that we are drifting apart, I scheduled a sleep over.

"________________! Youngjae and Mark are fighting! You need to stop them!" Jaebum shouted.

Yup! Most definitely sleep over! Like old times!

You ran towards the circle to see that Youngjae was on top of Mark, but was thrown and now Mark was on top.

"What's gotten into you two!" you shouted and they both looked up.

"He started it!" they both said at the same time.

"My place after school! Be there! Or else!" you said and walked away.

The day went by somewhat fast. You ended up at home. And got everything ready. Mark came and then Youngjae cane afterwards.

"Sit!" you commanded and they did.

They sat their like little puppies being scolded by their owner.

"What is wrong with you two!" you asked.

"He started it!" they said.

"I don't care who started it. We are having a sleep over if you like it or not. We haven't been close!" you said and went into the kitchen to get food.

You came back to see them arguing. They were in each other's faces.

"Shut the fuck up!" you shouted "You sit over there. And you sit your ass over there before I knock out both of you guys!"

They did as they were told and they just sat there glaring at each other. You went and got a first aid kit and fixed Youngjae.

"It hurts on my lips!" he complained and looked at Mark only to hear a snarl.

"_____________. My chest hurts. I think Youngjae hit it too hard" Mark said and smirked at Youngjae.

"Take off your shirt. Let me take a look" you said worriedly.

He took off his shirt and you went and put pressure on his chest. You were so concentrated that you didn't notice that Mark was smirking the whole time at Youngjae.

"Look! You got a bruise on your face!" you scolded them both.

You went back and forth fixing their cuts and bruises.

"_______________. I like you" Mark said out of the blue as you guys were watching a movie.

You looked at him shocked.

"W-What?" you asked.

"I-" Mark started

"I like you too _____________!" Youngjae shouted cutting off Mark.

You looked at Youngjae.

"What?" you asked.

"I like you" he said.

"I'm confused" you said.

"We both like you. That's why we're fighting!" Mark confessed.

You sat there looking at both of them.

"Who is it going to be?" Youngjae asked.

"Ummmmmm." you said trying to find a way out.

"And it has to be fast. Choose!" Mark demanded

You sat there confused on what to do. You didn't know what to do.

I hope you like it. It's 6 in the morning and I couldn't sleep so yeah. I hope you like. Other than that. Thanks for requestong. Have a good one!

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