Jealous: Yugyeom

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You were on your way to the club to meet up with your boyfriend Yugyeom. You got in and searched everywhere for him but he was nowhere to be found. Yoi were walking around until you saw JB. You back-hugged him.

"Hey idiot. You seen Yugyeom?" you asked smiling.

"So mean!" he faked cried making you laugh "How's Aunty and Uncle?"

"Mom and Dad are both good... What do you need?" you asked because the only time he asks about your parents, you know he wants something.

"Oh... Nothing" he said.

Wait for it... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!

"I just want some money" he confessed.

I knew it!

"Ask them yourself" you said "But seriously... Where is Yugyeom?"

"Dance floor"

"Okay. See you then"

You walked to the dance floor and saw Yugyeom. You smiles but it slowly faded as you saw two other girls grinding on him. He looked like he was having fun. When he looked up, he saw the tears in your eyes and tried to go to you but you ran out.

Yugyeom's Inner Thought: That wasn't supposed to happen. O_O

You got in your car and went home, ignoring all of Yugyeom's calls and texts. You walked in and locked the door. You went to the guest room and laid there. You heard the door trying to be opened but it was locked. You heard the back door open and close.

Shit! How can I forget the back door. Note to self... Lock ALL the doors!

"Jagi?" a voice called.

You quickly locked the door and laid in the bed. You heard the main door open but closed. The door knob jiggled and he knew you were in there.

"Jagi! I know you're in there... Open please" he pleaded.

You ignored him and kept staring out the window. Without knowing, Yugyeom used his keys to unlock the door and sat next to him. You looked at him and ignored him. You rolled your eyes and walked out.

"Jagi!" he pouted.

Me: 1 Yugyeom: 0

You were walking down the stairs when your wrist was grabbed.

"I'm sorry" he said as he hugged you.

Do NOT fall for it.... AH SHIT... I JUST DID... Let's play with him a little longer... Teeheehee!

You yanked your wrist free and walked to the kitchen. There was a knock on the door and JB and the rest came in.

"Annyeonghaseo oppa!" you greeted with a smile.

You looked at Yugyeom and went to hug Mark.

"Oppaaaa" you said as you dragged the 'a'.

You looked at Yugyeom and he looked pissed.

Me: 2 Yugyeom: 0

You went to Jackson and grabbed his jacket.

"Here oppa I'll take your jacket" you said went to hang it up catching a glimpse of him.

Me: 3 Yugyeom: 0

"Do you guys want some food?" you asked.

"Please" they all said.

"Okay" you said and nodded as you went to the kitchen.

You were preparing the snacks and heard the door open and close. You turned around to face Yugyeom. He looked pissed.

"I already apologised! What else do you want?" he asked irritatedly.

"I want you to confess that you were jealous..." you smirked.

"O... I wasn't jealous!" he pouted.

"Sure" you said and walked past him.

"Okay I was jealous!" he confessed.

Me: 5 Yugyeom: 0

"I know. That's why I did all those things..." you smiled and walked in the livingroom leaving Yugyeom lost and you giggling.

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