Period: GOT7

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You were smiling at them and laughing. The next second, you're yelling at ALL of them.

"How stupid can you be!" you shouted.

"W-What?" Jackson asked shocked.

"Why are you so fuckin retarded!" you screamed in his face.

"You were just laughing with us not too long ago. What is going on now?" he asked.

All the boys scooted back and away from you. And then your mood changed.

"Why is ya all the way over in Antartica! Come over here dodo brains" you laughed and everybody looked at you as if you was on some hard ass crack.

"The fuck ya staring at" you asked laughing.

"You were just angry at Jackson not too long ago and now-" JB started.

"AND NOW WHAT? NOW WHAT JB!" you screamed.

"This is the _____________ I know!" Mark said.

"The fuck is that supposed tk mean?" you asked glaring at him.

"You are having mood changes and ____________ rarely has tho- oh!" Mark shouted.

"What?" everybody asked.

"She's on it" he said and everybody replied with a "Ooooohhhhh".

"We'll be right back!" JR said.

Thirty minutes have passed and nobody has came yet.

"Where the fuck are these little stupid shits at! They are making me angry!" you shouted.

The door opened and the seven boys came in with bags in their hands. A total of fourteen bags.

"We bought you chips, cookies, noodles, bars, chocolate candies, gatorade, 2 liter bottles of sodas, and what you need" JB said.

"We also ordered burgers, pizza, cheesecakes, chicken wings, and sushi to eat" Yugyeom said as he placed the bag down.

"Thanks you guys. You guys are the best. I don't know what I'll do without you seven. Thank you so much" yoj said softly with a smile until "WHEN THE FUCK IS THE FOOD COMING!"

"Give her a bar to shut her up!" JB said shoving a bar into your mouth.

"Better?" BamBam asked.

"Better" you responded sweetly.

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