Mine (Requested): Mark

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You were now in the most hated place in the world. The place where people can call a living hell. School. It was now lunch and you was walking. The door to the cafeteria was going to close so you ran. The door opened and it remained open. You looked at the person holding the door and it was none other than the high school gentleman, Mark Tuan. He smiled his killer smile and let you in first. You thanked him and walked in as you covered your face because you began to blush hard. Like majority of the girls, you had a fatty crush on Mark  for about three years now, it started when he ran into you while he was on his motor scooter. You smiled at the thought of how you guys met. You ate and began making your way back to class. While making your way back, you were yanked and thrown to the wall. You winced in pain as your back hit the lockers. There stood the most feared girl of the school by majority. Suzy. She glared at you and smirked.

"Stay away from Mark-oppa. He doesn't want to be friends with an ugly piece of shit," she said while she was smirking.

"And if I don't?" you smirked at her.

She slapped you and your head jerked to the side. You rubbed your growing bruise on your face and looked at her.

"The worst will happen," she said as she stormed away from you leaving you in tears.

"_______________? Are you okay?" a voice asked and you turned around and saw that it was none other than Mark.

"Yeah," you said.

"What happened? Why are you crying and why is there a big hand print on your face? Who did this to you," he bombarded you with questions.

"Oh, I kept smacking myself," you lied and smiled "I am okay,"

"Okay," he said a little unsure and went to class.

The next day, you were walking to the school building when you were pushed to the ground. You looked up and saw that it was Suzy and her minions. She looked at you and smirked at you as you were now on your knees.

"You didn't listen to me. I told you to stay away from my Mark and what do you do? Next minute, I see you talking to him," she said.

"He came and talked to me," you said.

"You could have walked away and for now, you shall be punished. Show no mercy!" she demanded  and her minions began and ganging up on you.

They were on top of you. You were being thrown, punched, kicked, smashed. Your head was being hit on the ground and you blacked out. You couldn't see what happened but you heard everything.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" a voice asked and that was when everything stopped.

"We were teaching her a lesson for not knowing her place," Suzy said.

"And what place is that. Not near me?" the voice asked.

"Yeah Mark. Peasants like her should know her place which is not by a higher classed person" she said.

"Well stop doing this to her!" Mark yelled.

"Why?" Suzy asked.

"Because I like her and if you do anything to her, than I'll make you pay for it!" he said and carried you to the nurse's office.

You woke up and groaned holding your head.

"Be careful," a voice said and you looked at to see a worried Mark "Are you okay?"

"What happened?" you asked as you held your head again because the unbearable pain.

"Suzy and her friends," he said and held you hands.

"Your up now honey?" the nurse said and gave you a cup of water and some pills to take to get rid of the headache "Well baby girl, Suzy and her friends have been expelled because of this fine gentlemen right here,"

She pointed to Mark and he began rubbing the back of his neck. You smiled and thanked the nurse as she left.

"Thanks for everything," you said to him and smiled.

"No problem," he said.

"D-Did you really mean what you said back there?" you asked and his eyes widened.

"You heard?" he asked shocked.

"Well, yeah" you said blushing now at how adorable he was acting.

"Yes, I was serious," he said looking down "I started having feelings for you when I purposely ran over you with my little motor scooter thing about three years ago,"

"Purposely?" you asked curiously.

"Yeah, I was trying to get your attention by riding past you very close but I ended up running you over." he said now embarrassed.

You smiled at how he wouldn't make eye contact with you while he told you about how he had a crush on you. He finally looked into your eyes and smiled.

"D-Do you like me?" he asked with a little bit of hope in his voice.

You looked at hi and he lowered his head.

"I see," he said assuming that you didn't like him.

"Yea I do," you said and his head jerked up.

"What?" he asked shocked.

"I said that I, ___________________, likes you, Mark Yi En Tuan," you said smiling now.

He came up and kissed you.

"Then be my girlfriend," he said "And I am not asking you. I'm telling you because we have the same feelings."

He pecked you again and smiled and embraced you in a hug.

I hope that you enjoy this.

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