Come Back Please (Requested): Mark

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"Are you serious!" you shouted as you witnessed Mark stumbling into the house drunk.

"Hey. Whose baby is that?" he laughed.

"It's yours!" you yelled back as you carried Malachi in your arms.

"Pfft. That thing is not mine." he said.

"Well, Malachi is your son" you answered bitterly.

"How?" he asked tilting his head curiously.

"What do you mean. I'm your wife!" you said.

"Why would I marry a broke ass ugly looking piece of shit?" he asked and began laughing.

"Oh... That's what you think of me? Were all those compliments lies?" you asked as tears streamed down your face.

"Well you know what they say. When you're drunk, you are just like you're angry" he grinned from ear to ear.

"Well then," you said and went to the room and began packing.

You finished packing your belongings but Malachi's stuff as well. You went to the front to find Mark lying on the cold marble floor. You went and put your stuff in the car. You went and grabbed Malachi and then left to find a hotel to stay for the night. And then it's hello America. You drove off and found a hotel in which you did stay over night. Your mind kept repeating what Mark had said. Was he being serious or was he too drunk to remember what he had said. You cried yourself to sleep as your mind replayed the argument over and over again.

Mark's P.O.V.:

"Holy-" I said as I sat up from the cold hard floor "What happened?"

I stumbled to get up and when I did, I went to the room to cuddle with _________________. But when I got there,m there was no one. The room was cold as if no one was there from the beginning. I looked in Malachi's room and saw everything was gone. I ran back to the room and found her wedding ring and a note on the bottom of it.

To: Mark Tuan

(What... No... Jagiya... She doesn't call me by my name.)

Well, how am I gonna put this. Well, to start off. I'm sorry for making your life pure misery when we are together. You said it yourself that you don't know why would you marry a broke ass piece of shit. Hehe. Funny. I really thought that we had chance because we had Malachi. You know, the son that you had disowned last night. Yeah. Well I guess I was wrong about everything. From thinking that you were the one to your compliments to you being such a good father and a husband to me and your... Wait... MY son. Well, yeah. I'm sorry if I made you look like shit with my own looks. Thank you... For showing your truth self before this relationship could be a step forward. I hope the next person you date and marry is the actual person you love. Take care Mark.

Love ____________________.

After I read the letter, everything came back to me. I groaned in frustration and put my head on my hands. And then I decided to go find her. I rushed out to find that her car was gone and so I got into my car an drove around. I called all the boys.

JB- Hello?

M- You guys... I need help big time.

JB- What did you do now?

M- I made a huge mistake.

JB- Ok. Stop crying and tell me what had happened.

M- So I came home drunk and then me and ______________ got into this argument. And then I said some cruel things to her. And then I passed out from being too drunk and then she left.

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